When Microsoft rolled out Windows 10, it was a big deal, especially since Windows 8.1 wasn’t exactly a fan favorite. Now, ten years later, Microsoft is officially pulling the plug on Windows 10 support as of October 14th. If you’re still running it, it’s time to start thinking about your next move.
In business, paper tends to pile up, gets lost, and sometimes mysteriously multiplies overnight like gremlins exposed to water. If your business is drowning in paper or struggling to find important files, it might be time to consider digital document management. But when exactly does it make sense to invest in this technology? Let’s break it down.
Everyone relies heavily on software. From operating systems, to Internet browsers, to applications, software runs the world. For a long time, many software titles were seen as too expensive as you had to purchase the software license (usually a year), the hardware to run it from, and additional hardware to disseminate it. Nowadays, there is a better option: Software-as-a-Service.
Printers… they’re the tech we love to hate, especially when they just don’t work right. You’d think a device with one main job could handle it! So, why do printers mess up so often? Here’s a look at the main reasons why printers fail. Usually, it’s because of one of these three things: software issues, problems with the paper and ink, or connection issues.
An operating system is the main program on any device, like a computer, phone, or tablet, that helps it work. It’s what lets you open apps, go online, and get stuff done! For businesses, keeping their OS updated is super important. Here’s why: