Managing all the gadgets in a modern office isn’t a walk in the park. The tricky part is keeping tabs on every device, figuring out who’s using what, and noticing any trends. If you’re not already tracking your tech, now’s the time to set up a system that does just that. Using an inventory management system can make this whole process a lot smoother.
Imagine waking up one day to find your phone wiped clean with no contacts, no photos, and no messages. Now, picture this happening to an entire business, where all their files, data, and systems are gone. Scary, right? That’s why businesses need a Disaster Recovery (DR) system. It helps them bounce back when things go wrong. Here’s how to build one.
If your business wants to save money, you might consider cutting down on printing. Although paper documents have always been important, they can take up a lot of space and be a hassle to manage. This month we discuss how you can lower your printing expenses and organize your documents more easily.
Your company’s ability to keep its digital information safe depends largely on how well its technology performs. This is why it’s crucial to teach your employees how to protect your company’s data. To start, it’s important to understand your organization’s security posture. This refers to how actively you or your team work to protect your online presence. With the growing use of cloud applications and remote work becoming more common, every employee plays a role in keeping the company secure. This month we talk a little bit about creating a security culture designed to keep your data and information systems secure.
Passwords protect nearly all of your accounts; or at least you hope that they do. Unfortunately, making a super-secure password that’s easy to remember can be harder than people expect. Oftentimes, it feels like you are constantly solving a puzzle. So then, how do you create passwords that keep hackers out without driving yourself crazy? In this month’s newsletter, we discuss this very problem.