Sabotage Isn’t Just About Theft

Sabotage Isn’t Just About Theft

Businesses have to deal with a lot of different types of problems, but they often don’t see many of the issues that come from within their company. Whether this comes from hackers, disgruntled customers, or unreliable vendors, every business leader constantly deals with some type of issue. Unfortunately, sometimes these problems can come from inside your company. Today, we look at two employee issues that can potentially cause major headaches for business owners.

Employee Theft

Employee theft is a significant problem that can have terrible consequences for businesses. This theft occurs when employees intentionally take or misuse company property for personal gain. It can take many forms, such as stealing cash, merchandise, equipment, or intellectual property (IP). Employee theft results in financial losses and damages trust within the organization. It can lead to legal issues and costs associated with this. To keep this from being an issue, many businesses implement proactive measures. These include surveillance systems, automated inventory controls, and employee background checks that can help identify potential issues before they become problems for your business.

Lack of Productivity

While not as much of a betrayal as theft, employees who fall off the company’s productivity pace can lead to missed deadlines, higher costs, and a loss of morale. Various factors, including poor motivation, inadequate training, excessive workload, or a negative work environment, can cause a lack of productivity. To address this problem, companies should try to engage their workforce better through recognition programs and consistent performance reviews, as well as give their staff opportunities for professional development.

Technology Works to Reduce Employee-Based Threats

If your business is struggling with employee-related issues such as poor performance, inefficiency, and theft, there is technology that can help. Whether you need security or access control systems, productivity tracking, or any other technology that can help your business be its best self, give the IT experts at White Mountain IT Services a call today at (603) 889-0800.

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