Passwords Are on the Way Out. What?s Next?

With these two technologies, your organization can maximize its security and ensure that hackers have a difficult time brute-forcing their way into your network infrastructure.

Two-Factor Authentication
What two-factor authentication entails is using secondary credentials to protect your network or online accounts. This could be in the form of an SMS message, a phone call, or an email, which has a constantly-shifting credential that?s required to log into your online accounts. Anyone who doesn?t have these credentials cannot access the network or your account.

The main idea with two-factor authentication is to make it as difficult as possible for hackers to break into your accounts. By implementing physical devices like your smartphone, you make it virtually impossible for hackers to access your account, as they would need access to both your physical device and your other account credentials. With a two-factor authentication solution from White Mountain IT Services, your organization can better protect its important information and limit your data?s exposure to potential threats.

Password Managers
The average complex password is usually very long, and has several different upper and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols. Naturally, passwords like these are difficult to crack for hackers, but impossible for users to remember. Furthermore, you should never use the same password for more than one account, which means that you?ll have even more trouble than usual remembering all of these passwords. The best way to keep track of passwords is with a password manager solution, a great tool that makes it easy to store and utilize complex passwords.

With an enterprise-level password manager from White Mountain IT Services, you can equip your business with complex passwords that are necessary to protect your critical assets from potential danger. Password managers store your credentials in a secure database, and then retrieves them individually when it comes time to use them. This keeps your credentials both secure and easily accessible for when you need them. It?s the easiest way to reap the benefits of complex passwords without having to remember multiple credentials for each account you have.

If your business is having trouble with passwords, give White Mountain IT Services a call at (603) 889-0800. We can equip your business with the solutions necessary to optimize network security and ensure minimal data risk.

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