Does Managed IT Really Pay for Itself?

Proactive Management Of the managed IT services available, this is the most crucial. The service provider uses state-of-the-art technology to remotely monitor your business? information systems to ensure that they are running optimally. Technology-related downtime is a huge time and money waster for most businesses and can result in some serious operational issues. By proactively monitoring and managing your business? technology, you?ll be able to get more out of your IT, and over time that additional uptime will save a lot of money.

Don?t Fall for These 3 Browser Myths

Here are three common myths about browser security that you?ll want to think twice about before you believe them. MYTH: HTTPS Means a Site is Always Secure If you see that ?s? at the end of ?HTTPS,? you might think, ?Oh, yes, that website is secure.? The imagery of the padlock icon doesn?t help matters either. In reality, just because a website has HTTPS, doesn?t make it a secure website. All it means is that the website has guaranteed the secure transmission of data, not what the website actually does with that data. The owner of the website could be a hacker or a criminal, for all you know. Be sure to verify the legitimacy of any website boasting HTTPS, especially if you have any doubts about how they might use your sensitive data.

The Cloud Drives Your Business? and the Modern Cinema

Communication is Key Communication is the key that unlocks the potential for collaboration, and in the business of entertainment, you?re not going to get far without collaboration. All it takes is one look at the end credits of a movie to see just how many people are involved in such a massive undertaking. Without effective communication and project management, no production can hope to be successful. Each production can effectively be split into smaller productions that are more specific and each require their own unique skill sets to complete.