For Cyber Security Month, Take Extra Care Not to Overshare

The danger here comes from sharing personal information that a hacker, scammer, and even bullies and competitors can take advantage of. Generally speaking, the worst place for this to happen is over social media. It?s easy for people and employees to become too comfortable sharing personal details over their favorite social networks, which they would come to regret if this information were to fall into the wrong hands. Here are some sharing best practices that you, your staff, and your kids need to be mindful of in order to prevent oversharing: Your StaffWhether they realize it or not, your staff represents your company in the online world as well as when they?re at work. Therefore, they need to be mindful of any information they post that can potentially make their place of employment look bad, and by de facto, cost them their job. For example, every employee is entitled to gossip about their workplace to some degree, but when workplace gossip and rumors find their way to social media for all to see, then they?ll have to face the consequences for what they post. Another thing that your employees need to be mindful of is sharing company secrets online. You may think that your team is smart enough to avoid this blunder, but they may be surprised to learn that their social network could include someone connected to a competitor. Therefore, posting something seemingly harmless like bragging about a potential sale before the deal is inked, could lead to the loss of said sale by a competitor that?s monitoring your team?s online activity. Your TeenagersIf you?ve got teenagers, then it?s likely that they?re active on social media, and that they?re using it in ways that you don?t quite understand. Young people aren?t so much in danger of divulging company secrets on their Facebook account, but they are susceptible to two particular dangers; cyberbullying and leaving behind an unsavory digital footprint. When it comes to cyberbullying, you will want to teach your children to simply block people who would want to do them harm by contacting them and seeing their post. Every child needs to come to grips that ?people can be cruel,? and every modern young person needs to learn how to practically apply this lesson in the online age. In addition to being involved with your kid?s online activities by monitoring what they?re up to, you?ll want to walk them through how to block, unfriend, and even report cyberbullies–as well as give them a swift kick in the butt if they are guilty of cyberbullying. Teenagers and young adults will also want to be mindful of what they post online that can be publicly viewed. Today, employers and educational institutions are searching the social media accounts of applicants, looking for anything that may disqualify them. Therefore, if you have a career-minded young person in your life who is active on social media, be sure to monitor their digital footprint using these five tips from Net Nanny: Check their digital trail by searching for them on Google. View the results from a college or employer?s perspective and make sure it coincides with the application. Limit profile visibility to friends-only. Make sure profile photo is appropriate. Remove any past Facebook posts from public view. Take control of tagging (i.e. don?t allow […]

Tip of the Week: Gmail Takes a Page From Facebook By Letting You Block People

Before we get into the nitty-gritty details of the features, though, we want to mention that Gmail?s new block and unsubscribe features should not be considered a substitute for a full-fledged spam protection solution. In order to mitigate the amount of malicious emails you receive, a comprehensive spam solution is imperative. Blocking and unsubscribing from particular email addresses isn?t guaranteed to stop spam. If it can?t come from one source, it will simply come from another. This is why it?s important to stop spam in its tracks before it hits your inbox. That isn?t to say that Gmail?s new features aren?t worth looking into. They?re still useful for an immediate remedy to a particular problem. It?s a solution that the average consumer can use without worry. If you?re receiving some sketchy emails from a particular sender, you can block an individual email address easily enough. Messages from blocked users will go straight to your spam folder. To block someone, all you have to do is open an email from the sender you want to block, click on the down-arrow next to the reply button, and select Block ?user.? A similar feature can be found on the Gmail Android mobile app (the most recent version – it?s not available on the desktop version of Gmail yet). Unsubscribing allows users to keep messages out of their inbox from email advertising campaigns. It works in a similar manner to clicking the ?unsubscribe? links at the bottom of messages. All you have to do is open the message you want to unsubscribe from, click the three-dot More button next to Reply, and select Unsubscribe. While unsubscribing and blocking users on Gmail isn?t the best way to completely block spam, it?s a good start that can relieve some of the pressure in your inbox. In order to achieve the level of spam protection your business deserves, you need to integrate a powerful spam blocking solution that?s designed to eliminate spam before it even hits your inbox. To accomplish this goal, contact White Mountain IT Services at (603) 889-0800. For more tips on how to optimize your organization?s IT infrastructure and improve your workplace productivity, subscribe to our blog.

What?s New With Microsoft Office 2016?

Some improvements to the software include: Microsoft Word Word has been one of the most used word processing programs for over 30 years. The newest version of Word brings real-time collaboration and some dynamic features such as a newly integrated ?Tell me what you want to do?? box. This option gives every user the ability to search for the resources they need, or to get directions on how best to use the software?s most useful features. The real-time collaboration features, allow users to work on a document together, whether it is stored in a user?s OneDrive or in a company-hosted SharePoint. With a much improved version history and simple-to-use interface, Microsoft Word 2016 is, as usual, a beneficial addition to any business? productivity cache. Microsoft Excel Excel is known the world over as the top spreadsheet program on the market. With Excel 2016 Microsoft has made it easier to use and with better functionality. Like Word, Excel has had a ?Tell me what you want to do?.? box integrated into the interface to help users find the information they need and have a conduit to help them take advantage of all the dynamic options that Excel delivers to users. With new visualization options, one click forecasting, and built-in data loss prevention, Excel 2016 is a great addition to every company?s productivity software. Microsoft PowerPoint PowerPoint is the predominant presentation software used in business today. The newest offering improves on other versions by integrating the ?Tell me what you want to do?? box, and vastly improving collaborative options. PowerPoint now incorporates improved version history, a simpler sharing interface, and better conflict resolution, which keeps teams from performing redundant, inefficient tasks. Microsoft Outlook Outlook?s improvements, like most of Office 2016?s, are centered around collaboration. Microsoft has improved the way that files can be sent through email to give users more freedom to send the files others need without being hindered in doing so. Microsoft has also incorporated custom Group features into the new Outlook. This gives users the ability to organize their conversations and resources in a given file and sync it with collaborators. Outlook, has also integrated the ?Tell me what you want to do?? box, that will allow for comprehensive searches and tips to find what you are after quicker. Other applications that are a part of the Microsoft Office 2016 suite are: Microsoft OneNote – Office?s note-taking application Microsoft Access – Office?s database management software Microsoft Project – Office?s project management software Microsoft Visio – Office?s diagramming software Each will get the ?Tell me what you want to do?? box integration as well as subtle improvements over their previous versions. Microsoft offers the Office 2016 suite as a part of its Office 365 cloud platform. With Office 365, you can get web and desktop access to all of Office 2016?s powerful applications, complete with OneDrive integration for an affordable monthly cost per user. Simply contact White Mountain IT Services at (603) 889-0800 to get an idea of further benefits Microsoft Office 2016 can bring to your organization and how to make it work for your staff and your budget. We highly recommend you reach out to us to learn the differences between each version of the Microsoft Office suite.

Tattoo Marketing is a Thing [Video]

Wait, People are Actually Doing This?If you don?t believe that tattoo marketing is real, then ask one of the seventy employees of Rapid Realty to roll up their sleeves. This New York-based realty company offers their salesmen and saleswomen a hard-to-pass-up incentive in order to get them to ink the company logo on their body–a fifteen percent lifetime pay increase and the title of ?brand ambassador.? As you can see, by adding a personal touch to the logo, some of these ?brand ambassadors? are able to make their tattoo look almost cool (almost). Tattoos: A Permanent Marketing Solution…From a marketing perspective, these are advertising dollars well spent. A tattoo is as permanent as it gets. Keep in mind that one of the main goals of a marketing campaign is to have it engage your audience, and as anybody with ink will tell you, a tattoo is one of the best conversation starters there is. ?So, what?s your tattoo mean?? A question like this asked to a Rapid Realty ?brand ambassador? is sure to lead to an engaging conversation about real estate that could lead to a sale. In addition to making for a great marketing technique, tattoos will let you know which of your staff are the most committed to their job–or the most desperate for a pay raise. Granted, getting a tattoo of one?s place of employment is the ultimate example of selling out, but 1) It will make a worker think twice about leaving (employee retention), and 2) When it comes time to leave the company, the money accrued over the years for getting the tattoo should more-than cover the cost of getting it removed. …Or, a Sign of Desperation?In today?s competitive environment, it?s becoming more difficult to have your message break through the noise of competing messages. Therefore, outside-the-box ideas like tattoo marketing actually make sense, on some level. In fact, even political campaigns are becoming desperate enough to pay to get their candidate?s logo tattooed on supporters? bodies. Take for example this face tattoo of the 2012 Romney/Ryan US presidential campaign logo on Eric Hartsburg?s face. He essentially turned his face into a billboard and made himself a cool $5,000. What do you think, is it worth it? What are your thoughts? Would you consider getting your company?s logo inked on your body? Do you think your team would be willing to become a tattooed brand ambassador for your business or does the thought horrify you? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Tip of the Week: How to Save Your Keyboard from a Drink-Spillage Nightmare

If you?ve ever tried to clean your keyboard following a spill, you know it can be a frustrating and time-consuming process. Here?s how to best approach cleaning your keyboard following a spill. The first thing you?ll notice is that it?s awfully hard to Google the phrase, ?How to clean soda off my keyboard,? when there?s liquid seeping deeper and deeper into the recesses of your keyboard. A sugary substance will be especially bad for your keyboard, making the keys stick and rendering it useless. Instead of worrying about how you?re going to fix this issue, be sure to bookmark or print out this five-step action plan for cleaning your keyboard following a spill. Power Off Your Computer and Disconnect the KeyboardFirst of all, you should make every effort to ensure that you power down your computer as soon as possible, and disconnect the keyboard. Most modern keyboards are USB-connected and can easily be disconnected, but older keyboards have the round connector, which could cause damage to the motherboard if removed without powering down the machine first. Act quickly, because if the liquid seeps into the keyboard?s circuits, it could cause even more problems (unlike Coca-cola?s spilt-soda-on-computer scenario). Flip the Keyboard Upside Down and Give it a Good ShakingWhile it makes sense to go rummaging for a towel immediately following a spill, this time should instead be devoted to flipping the keyboard over and giving it a good shaking. This helps to keep the liquid that has gotten into the keyboard from seeping in too deep. Wipe Down Your KeyboardLetting the liquid flow out of your keyboard is a crucial first step, but it won?t solve all of your problems. Use a dry cloth to wipe up your mess, and try your best to get between the keys. Don?t take any keys off quite yet. Focus on cleaning rather than detailing. Let it Dry OvernightNext, find a dry place to let your keyboard sit upside down overnight. When you come back to it the next day, look for any additional moisture that may be left and give it a wiping. Check for StickinessBefore plugging your keyboard back in, test it one last time for stickiness. If you spilled a sugary drink like soda, you?ll probably still run into some trouble, regardless of how well you cleaned it up. Depending on how bad it is, you may have to remove the keys and clean underneath them. Computer Hope has some suggestions concerning how to do this: Removing a standard keyboard key is simple. Start by pressing down on the key in front of the key you want to remove and insert a flat object such as a car key… or a small flathead screwdriver below the key. Once below the key twist it or push down until the key pops off. If you want to remove more than one key, repeat this process until all keys are removed. After carefully removing the keys, use a Q-tip to finish the cleanup. With the keyboard now completely cleaned, plug it in and see how it works. If you caught the accident before it could cause too much damage, you might have been able to save your keyboard. If the spill was too large, your keyboard is probably a hopelessly sticky mess. You won?t know […]