Ask a Tech: How to Choose the Right Laptop to Buy

What Should I Look For, in Terms of Specifications, When Considering a Laptop for Work Purposes? Naturally, this can vary a little based on one user?s needs as compared to another, but generally speaking, it is best to ensure that everyone?s system is running at least an i5 processor and has a minimum of eight or, ideally, 16GB of RAM (Random Access Memory). In terms of storage, you?re ideally using some form of centralized storage that your team is able to securely access remotely, so it is less important that these devices have the space for all this data. Likewise, the prevalence of cloud-based software has also taken some of the importance away from storage space for such programs. However, it is still wise for performance-related reasons to have a reasonable amount of storage capacity on the device itself, so you should seek an option that features at least 256 GB of SSD space.

These Three Technologies Can Help You Build Better Customer Relationships

Before we get into how small businesses can prioritize the integration of new technology, we have to address the fact that more people today are more connected than ever. It isn?t like the old days where there were large numbers of people who weren?t proficient with computers. Today, almost everyone has a smartphone and does a lot of the things that they do online. This has to be a consideration for businesses when choosing new technology.

Three Ways You Can Save Money on Your Business? Technology

Are You Using All That Software? One way that many smaller businesses try to compete with the big boys is by using similar tools. This strategy, which was once viewed as foolhardy?because of the costs associated with enterprise software?is now completely possible through the use of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). SaaS allows any organization to purchase a single software license in a cloud-based virtual server for a flat rate per month, per user. The technology has changed the way that businesses view their application investment strategy.

What is It About the IoT that Makes It an Appealing Target for Cybercrime?

Let?s talk a little bit about why the IoT poses as big a risk as it does, and what can be done to minimize these risks in your business. Why is the IoT Considered to Be Insecure? Well, according to a security survey released by Forrester Research in 2022, 33% of companies that were successfully breached were targeted?at least partially?through internal IoT devices. That?s one in every three surveyed security leaders reporting that company-owned IoT devices were involved in a breach, representing the most common response that this survey received. Additional pieces of research have shown that these kinds of attacks are happening more and more often, as well?and little wonder, when IoT devices are prone to numerous security concerns: