Tip of the Week: Use Google Chromecast for These 5 Functions

Probably the most attractive feature of Google Chromecast is that it essentially turns any compatible screen into a smart TV, allowing you to utilize popular apps via your smartphone or desktop that?s equipped with Chromecast capabilities. Here are five of the best Google Chromecast features that new users will want to take advantage of. Stream music: If you?re already using popular music streaming apps like Spotify and Pandora, then you?re going to love having the ability to cast your favorite songs on the big screen. What?s more, if your television is equipped with a rockin? sound system, then you can get rid of that bulky CD and record player and replace them both with Google Chromecast. Stream video: The video watching options for Google Chromecast are as vast as there are ways to digitally watch a video. Some of the more popular uses for watching video via Chromecast are by utilizing apps like YouTube, Hulu, and Netflix. Basically, if your computer can play a video, you can cast it on your TV. View pictures: With Chromecast, you can turn your TV into a screensaver that cycles through HD photos. This is a sure way to enhance any room. Google Chrome actually has an app specifically designed for this purpose which taps into thousands of photo libraries ranging from NASA, 500x, and even your own! Mirror your device?s browser: With Chromecast, whatever is going on in Chrome can easily be casted to your TV. This feature has the potential to really enhance office presentations. Additionally, it?s easy for multiple users to take control of the big screen by casting what?s on their device, which can help someone explain their point at an office meeting. Use VideoStream: One handy app made for Chromecast is VideoStream. This is a super easy way to drag video files to your Chrome browser and play them on your Chromecast-connected TV. Every serious Chromecast user will want to download this free app. Actually, these five Google Chromecast features are just the beginning of what this little device can do. There are several apps designed specifically for it and they?re worth exploring if you get the chance. Do you use Google Chromecast? What are your favorite uses for this fantastic product? Sound off in the comments.

5 Ways to Put Your Staff Ahead of Frivolous Office Expenses

Google, with its seemingly limitless funding, can, of course, provide their employees with every imaginable benefit under the sun. Take for example just some these perks Google provides their staff (aka, ?Googlers?), as reported by Inc. The free gourmet food and snacks are never-ending. Googlers at the Mountain View campus get a free ride to and from work. The TechStop helps Googlers stay plugged in with 24-7 tech support. Free “massage credits.” New parents get the break they deserve. New dads receive six weeks of paid leave, and moms can take 18 weeks, and employees’ stock continues to vest (and they continue to receive bonuses) while they are on leave. If a Googler passes away while working there, all their stock vests immediately, and, on top of the life insurance payout, their surviving spouse continues to get half of the Googler’s salary for the next 10 years. Employees get free fitness classes, gym access, and are encouraged to participate in organized intramural sports. Google employees can get extended time off to follow their passions. Due to the sobering fact that you?re not Google, let?s face it, sometimes money is tight and you as a business owner must make the hard choice of what to cut in order to make payroll. In trying times like these, before you lay anybody off, you?ll first want to attempt to save money by making cuts to perks that may be draining your budget. While nobody enjoys making cuts, sometimes cuts are necessary in order to get a handle on out-of-control expenses and to better allocate resources. Ask yourself, ?Can your business do without perks such as these?? Company PartiesBusinesses have a reputation for knowing how to throw some pretty extravagant company parties. Take for example Yahoo?s $7 million ?Great Gatsby? themed party thrown last December. What makes such a party outrageous and newsworthy isn?t so much the price tag; it?s the fact that Yahoo recently laid off 15 percent of its staff after posting massive losses. For an employee who just watched their peers lose their jobs due to ?budget cuts,? moves like this can be maddening. This, in turn, will sink employee morale, which is the complete opposite of what a company is trying to accomplish by throwing a party. An alternative option: Instead of dropping huge sums of cash to rent out a yacht and party bus, keep it simple. You can still have a party, but many of your employees will have just as much fun at a small gathering with punch and pizza, or even a potluck event. Free Food and SnacksIt?s well known that providing employees with food makes the office a much more pleasant place to work at. However, when money gets tight and you start feeding your staff excuses that you can?t afford raises along with food, then even the most tasty of meals will lose its flavor. As great as free food is, at the end of the day, most employees would prefer a raise and/or keeping their job. High Executive SalariesThere?s just something inherently wrong about a company executive who cuts jobs citing budget concerns while giving themselves a fat raise. Take for example Viacom?s CEO Philippe Dauman who recently gave himself a board-approved raise of 22 percent (which translates to a cool $54.2 million per […]

Net Enabled Gadgets Can Put Your Wireless Network at Risk

One of these ?things? in the news at the moment is a BB-8 droid toy built by Sphero. This toy, consisting of a typical Sphero, is a commercially available, app-controlled, robotic ball, that has been painted up like BB-8, the mischievous Droid from Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens and marketed to people who want their very own droid. How can a seemingly irrelevant toy be at risk? In a recent report, security experts were able to exploit a bug and ?hack? into a BB-8 toy through its integrated wireless communication systems. This allowed them to inject code into the phone, which couples as the device?s remote. In the report, hackers were able to take full of control over the device in what is called a man-in-the-middle attack. While this particular case doesn?t reveal anything perilous, a man-in-the-middle attack can potentially be very dangerous if targeting something of substance. Man-In-the-MiddleIt?s not hard to understand what a man-in-the-middle attack is. For an analogy, you can go back to the first grade. Remember the game ?telephone? that you used to play when you were a child? A man-in-the-middle hack produces similar results. Essentially, a person sends a message and the recipient receives it, but in the process of being relayed the message, someone adds or omits some crucial element of the message. Just imagine that instead of the sentence, ?Jane runs through the forest,? the message that was interrupted and manipulated is a customer?s credit card number. To completely understand the man-in-the-middle attack, you need to realize that, with the advent and use of wireless systems, more entities are at risk for this type of hack than ever before. This is why it?s important to implement safeguards to ensure that the information you send, regardless of whether you?re sending instructions for a toy from your smartphone, or an essential file from a PC to your server. You need to make sure that your commands are sent securely and get to the recipient in the way the sender had intended. Precautions such as remote monitoring and management, that include intrusion detection, and other protocols that work toward cyber security, are good solutions to combat potential network security. Potential for Attacks Require SolutionsWireless technology has altered a great many things. Cumbersome, wired systems that people have had to fumble with, are largely a thing of the past. Now people have to determine whether or not wireless systems are secure to use, and if they aren?t, they have to do what they can to secure them. There are literally hundreds of solutions to help users secure their devices, whether it be from a mobile device or a PC/Mac running off a wireless network. In some cases, however, an inconsequential and seemingly irrelevant piece of the puzzle (like in this case, a toy with buggy software), could potentially leave you exposed.

Tip of the Week: Master the GIF and Rule the Internet

The first thing that you need to know about GIFs is that they can be downloaded, uploaded, and shared in the same way as most other digital image formats, like JPEG and PNG files. GIFs are easy enough to use, but to really take advantage of them you?re going to want to know how to search for and make them. Searching the Web for a GIFDo you have a specific GIF in mind that you?d like to use? Perhaps a clip from your favorite movie, or of a silly reaction? If so, you can easily search the web for it using Google Search. To do this, simply type into Google?s search bar what you?re looking for and hit Enter. Next, select Images > Search Tools > Type > Animated. From here, you?ll see a page full of with relevant images. Note: in order to see what the GIF?s animation looks like, you actually have to click once on the image, otherwise it will appear as a static image. Although, be careful not to double click the image or you?ll be taken to the website where the GIF originates from. To download the GIF, simply right click it, and select Save image as… Making Your Own GIF From YouTubeIf you can?t find the perfect GIF, then you can use any of the millions upon millions of YouTube videos to make your own! To do this, first go to YouTube and find the perfect video (or upload one). Next, copy the URL of the video, located in either the form at the top of your browser, or below the video after selecting Share. From here, go to gifs.com and paste the video?s URL in the provided form. Next, select Create GIF. You will now be taken to a new page showing your YouTube video alongside video editing tools. As prompted by the text boxes, give your GIF a title in the top form. Next, move the slider to where in the video you want your GIF to begin and end. Or, you can manually enter the GIF?s start time in the Start time form. Next, determine the duration of your GIF. By default, it?s set to five seconds. Be sure to adjust the clip?s time span as needed. Additionally, you can fine tune the timing of your GIF by hovering over the Duration form and selecting the up and down arrows. Lastly, you can add captions to the GIF by selecting Add Caption to the left of the video and following the directions. As you make edits to your GIF, a preview of your work will be displayed. Once you?ve got everything exactly how you want it, select Create GIF. Gifs.com will now generate your file and take you to a new page displaying your GIF. To the right of the GIF is the GIF?s URL, file path (for downloading purposes), and the embed code. If you wish to share your GIF creation over social media, then take advantage of the various social media icons provided by the website. After going through these steps, you can now call yourself a GIF master and populate the Internet with even more great GIFs.