Looking for Your Business to Go Green? The Right Tech Can Help!

Remote Work Remote work saw an explosive rise in popularity a few years ago, and there were significant environmental impacts associated with this rise?and why wouldn?t there be? With people no longer needing to commute to the office to do work, a significant volume of emissions were removed from the equation. Continuing to do so will allow these decreases to continue to some degree.

Tip of the Week: Building Better Habits through Habit Stacking

What is Habit Stacking, Anyways? Think about the little things that you do while at work, each and every day, all the parts of your routine that have become automatic. You don?t really have to think about them, do you? At this point, it?s just what you do. You probably have a few things like this in your personal life, too? things and processes that feel so natural at this point that not doing them feels wrong.

Should You Consider Going Paperless?

What Does Going Paperless Mean? When a business goes paperless, it doesn?t mean that there aren?t any papers to be filed. The way that business works, paper files will always be a part of the process. What going paperless means is that files that were once stored at the organization are digitized and can be searched and found in databases. These databases can be stored locally, in a co-located data center, or in the cloud, but regardless of where you decide to set your file sharing and storage infrastructure up, the main benefits are the same.

Implementing Bring Your Own Device, Without Bringing Your Own Risks

First, let?s go over what a Bring Your Own Device policy is, and why it has become a popular strategy for modern businesses to implement. Why is a BYOD Strategy a Popular Option for Businesses? Bring Your Own Device is a policy and implementation that enables your team to make use of their personal devices for work purposes, which presents various benefits for both parties. From the employees? perspective, they are able to work with a device that they are far more familiar and comfortable with, and the business gets to enjoy the cost savings and enhanced productivity that this flexibility offers. In just about every way, BYOD provides benefits to the business that adopts it. However, it is also important to note that there are some hurdles to successfully utilizing a BYOD policy. Let?s discuss some of these hurdles, and how you can avoid them and their associated pitfalls.