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How to Avoid Network Bottlenecks from Impacting Your Business

Let?s go over a few strategies that can help. Split Up Your Network Or, in other words, put something called network segmentation into play. Network segmentation is basically a process where you divide up your overarching network into smaller sub-networks, which allows you to devote more of your resources to those sub-networks that have higher demands. This helps to reduce bottlenecks by preventing too many resources from trying to share the same network and allowing you to allocate bandwidth where it is more necessary.

Cybersecurity Needs to Be a Priority for Everyone? Especially Your Business

How Accessible is Cybersecurity Training? According to the National Cybersecurity Alliance and Cybsafe in their Annual Cybersecurity Attitudes and Behaviors Report 2022?entitled Oh, Behave! in a very self-aware reference to Austin Powers?not many people have access to cybersecurity training in general. As in, 62% of people don?t have this access. Fortunately, 30% of respondents did have access to training and did actively use it.