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National Student Clearinghouse Data Breach Exposes Personal Information of Over 50,000 Individuals

The Breach is Official This isn?t just an announcement that there may have been a breach; this is a breach, and the Office of the California Attorney General and NSC administrators have confirmed that hackers gained access to the MOVEit managed file transfer server on May 20, 2023. They then stole files containing personal information such as names, dates of birth, contact information, Social Security numbers, student ID numbers, and other records.

Modern Technology Can Boost Sales Efforts

Technology Makes It Easier for Prospects to Find (and Learn About) Your Business Offering Once upon a time, the sales department of any business was the place that a prospect would go to learn about what that business could offer. Nowadays, the Internet and the social networks that it hosts have become a more convenient option for these prospects, making it all the more important that your sales efforts have a place there as well, both to introduce your business and its offering to them in the most positive way as well as to track what information led to your new prospect reaching out.

Critical Security Measures for Data Privacy

In an individual sense, at least, it?s relatively simple. You don?t want to share anything more than what you need to. However, there is also something to be said for security and its relationship with privacy, and whether or not you should sacrifice one to maintain the other. You don?t have to pick one; in fact, you should be using security to protect your data privacy. Today, we?re investigating how you can do just that.

Why You Might Want to Encourage a Digital Detox for Your Team

Let?s explore the concept of a digital detox, and the benefits it can have to your workplace as a whole. Defining a Digital Detox The concept of ?detoxification? or a ?detox? is pretty simple. You?re basically making the conscious effort to remove any negative?or toxic?influences or qualities. In terms of a digital detox, the idea is to take a break from the electronic devices that are so ingrained into modern life and society to experience reality and real life more directly. It?s basically a vacation from the distractions of our electronics.