Cybersecurity Needs to Be a Priority for Everyone? Especially Your Business

How Accessible is Cybersecurity Training? According to the National Cybersecurity Alliance and Cybsafe in their Annual Cybersecurity Attitudes and Behaviors Report 2022?entitled Oh, Behave! in a very self-aware reference to Austin Powers?not many people have access to cybersecurity training in general. As in, 62% of people don?t have this access. Fortunately, 30% of respondents did have access to training and did actively use it.

Keep Your Best Talent with These Five Tips

Provide Competitive Compensation and Benefits Money may not be the sole motivator, but it’s undoubtedly a significant factor when it comes to retaining top talent. Competitive salaries and benefits packages show your employees that you value their contributions and want to reward them fairly for their hard work. Conduct regular salary reviews to ensure that your employees’ compensation remains competitive with industry standards.

Make the Most of Your Mobile Devices with These 5 Tips

Keep Your Digital Workspace Organized A cluttered workspace can easily get in the way of productivity, and the same can be said for your digital workspace. It makes it difficult to focus and find what you need for the job at hand. Mobile apps can be great ways to organize files, take notes, and manage tasks, and keeping your home screen uncluttered can make all the difference in going about your day in a streamlined and efficient way.