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What Are Templates? Evernote templates basically provide users with pre-built structures for their notes. This gives users a way of organizing information that may have previously taken more time than usual. These are particularly great if you are one who struggles with formatting each and every time you open a new note. Evernote also offers other templates on their website, and with a subscription to Evernote Plus, Premium, or Business, you can use formatting that you?ve used in the past to create your own custom template for future use. Applying Templates in Evernote Once you?ve found some templates you?d like to use, either from Evernote?s website or from one of your past notes, you can apply it to any new ones. In Evernote, start a new note. In the body of your note, click on Templates to see the ones you have saved. From here, you have several options. You can search for templates, delete ones you don?t need, edit their names, or apply them to notes. If you have Plus, Premium, or Business accounts, you can edit templates. To edit a template, follow this same process. Once you?ve finished making the edits, save it as a new template. Plus, Premium, and Business users can also create their own templates this way. What are your thoughts on these changes to Evernote? If you don?t already use it, will this be enough to convince you? Let us know in the comments.
The Internet of Things Continues to Grow Connected devices are everywhere, and at this point, it?s unlikely that it will go away anytime soon. To account for this continuously growing trend, businesses have taken to optimizing security to accommodate them. It?s safe to say that it doesn?t matter which industry a business falls in; the majority of businesses utilize the Internet of Things to at least some extent, but whether or not they are protecting themselves is another story altogether. Ultimately, it boils down to risk versus reward. Is your business willing to compromise security just to use IoT devices, or are you willing to ensure that they don?t become a risk for your business? Ransomware, While Still Dangerous, Isn?t as Common 2017 was the year of ransomware, and while it?s still a problem for many organizations, in 2018 it wasn?t nearly the problem that it was last year. As of last December, according to Malwarebytes, the rate of infection for ransomware had dropped to about 10%, which is a substantial decrease. Still, it?s best to prepare for it ahead of time if you want to make sure your organization can survive a brush with this type of malware. Cryptomining is King The next big thing to come from 2018 is a major increase in cryptomining malware, which can install itself on a device and remotely activate to mine bitcoin without the user?s knowledge. This can have various side-effects on the device that might manifest in different ways, such as slow device speeds and otherwise labored usage. Security is More Proactive as a Whole Too often businesses wait too long to address specific problems with their security measures. This can take the form of anything from failing to administer a patch or security update as soon as possible, to letting a threat remain unaddressed on your network without knowing it exists. Rather than take a reactive stance to security, businesses have been dedicating themselves to proactive security measures to offset the risk of being affected by threats. A new survey released by IDG showcases the security priorities of all kinds of businesses. The respondents to this survey claimed that they found the following aspects important to maintain a healthy, proactive stance on network security: 74%: Best practices 69%: Compliance mandates 36%: Responding to a security incident that occurred in their own organization 33%: Mandates from the board of directors 29%: Responding to a security incident that occurred in another organization How has your business taken steps toward network security? White Mountain IT Services can help you make sure your organization?s security doesn?t hold you back from reaching your goals. To learn more, reach out to us at (603) 889-0800.
First, we?ll give you a brief overview of what you should expect when putting together an IT roadmap. You?ll want to focus on how much growth you anticipate, as well as how technology can influence or augment this growth. Another important aspect to consider is the resources your business currently has versus how much you will need in the future to achieve your goals. Finally, think about what kind of risks are associated with how much growth you are planning for, as well as how you can minimize the chances of this affecting your organization as time passes. Projected Growth and Technology Over time, your business will grow, whether it?s onboarding new clients or hiring more staff to make sure operations progress smoothly. You should have a plan for how much you expect to grow over the next year, so you can make sure technology solutions can adapt to this number as needed. For example, if you suspect that you?ll onboard 10 new employees next year, you should begin to make preparations now so as to minimize the growing pains later. Bandwidth deficiencies due to unexpected growth can floor your network and access speeds, making this a particularly important aspect to consider. Resource Planning for the Future The same consideration should be shown for your clients. If you onboard too many clients without enough staff or resources to effectively serve them, you?re not just doing the customers a disservice–you?re harming your own business (and its reputation) in the process. By being forward-thinking about your business? specific needs, you can prevent these kinds of issues from cropping up in the first place. Risk Factors Associated with Growth The more users and clients you onboard, the more technology your business is going to use; and the more technology your organization implements, the greater the risk of security issues. It goes without saying that the more endpoints are on your network, the more likely your business is to encounter dangerous situations. Therefore, you should have measures put in place to ensure the integrity of your data storage systems and any endpoints connected to them. This includes mobile devices, which are an aspect of data security that can quickly spiral into a major problem if left unchecked. White Mountain IT Services can help your business plan for the future with an IT roadmap. To learn more, reach out to us at (603) 889-0800.
Recovery of Lost Word Files We?ve all been in a situation where we have lost progress on specific files due to a power outage or similar disaster, like an unexpected hardware crash. Thankfully, there is a way to save your hard work if you haven?t had the opportunity before the crash happens. In Word, navigate to the Open menu. At the bottom of this page, you?ll see a button that gives you the ability to recover unsaved documents. Compare Two Documents Side-by-Side Collaboration is critical to the success of all businesses, but this often includes comparing documents side-by-side–something that is difficult if you?re not in the same physical location. If you want to compare two different versions of a document, and even merge it into one, you can use the Review tab at the top of Word?s document screen. This gives your employees even more opportunities to work together as effectively as possible. Add a Functional Table of Contents Office workers are often asked to build out reports, but they can be challenging to look at without a table of contents. If you have a little knowledge of Word, you can use it to build an easy table of contents in any paper or report. To do so, first make sure the headings and whatnot are all laid out in the proper order. Next, go to the References tab and click on Table of Contents. Choose the style you?d like to use from the options presented and the table of contents will be generated. You?ll have to edit them to your specific requirements, but this is easy enough. Add Custom Words to the Spell Check Dictionary Some words and phrases simply aren?t identified as ?spelled right? by Word, no matter how many times you use them. In cases like this, you can add custom words to the spell check dictionary so that they don?t waste even more of your time moving forward. You can add words by going through the File menu and clicking on Options. Once this window appears, you can click on Proofing. When the dictionary list pops up, select CUSTOM.DIC and click on the Edit Word List option. You?ll be able to make changes to your custom dictionary in this way. For more great tips and tricks on Microsoft Word and more, subscribe to White Mountain IT Services?s blog.
What is Going On Considering the difference in the market shares of Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome (4.24 percent compared to 67.66 percent, respectively), it should come as no surprise that the first thing that many owners of a Windows 10 device do is to use Edge to download Chrome. Naturally, Edge defaults to Bing to conduct these searches. However, these searches have taken to delivering disguised malware sites as sponsored ads for Google Chrome within these search results. When the user searches Bing to find the download link for Chrome, there is the chance that, instead of a sponsored result popping up from Google, one will pop up that only appears to be from Google at first glance. However, once clicked on, this link brings a user to a phishing site disguised to look like the Google Chrome download page, with the URL ? Trying to access this site through Chrome itself results in the user finding it to be blocked, while Bing and Edge do no such thing. Not a New Problem Making this situation even worse, this is not the first time that Bing has had this issue. Back in April of this year, this threat was reported as effectively identical to this recent version – and while the advertisement has been pulled, there has been no explanation of how it could appear to come from, or if this issue had been resolved. This means that it is entirely likely that this issue will pop up once again. Other Bing Issues Of course, this isn?t the only problematic element of the Bing search engine. Its search function has a history of delivering highly offensive and alarming content, especially through its image search. Searches for what are objectively neutral terms would deliver back inflammatory results, even with SafeSearch on. Similar things happen when you search for other terms as well. In addition to racist search suggestions, the suggestions on Bing also were pushing conspiracy theories in their suggested searches. Adding to these problems even more, Bing offers both horrible search suggestions and results, suggesting that a user (after searching for ?girl?) instead searches for ?cute young girl 16,? and it only gets worse from there. The image results are arguably even worse, delivering content that could get people in serious legal trouble. Searching for the wrong thing could result in, for example, bath time pictures of children displayed alongside hardcore adult materials. Microsoft isn?t the first technology giant to contend with these kinds of issues, and you can be sure this won?t be the last time. With White Mountain IT Services?s help, you can also be sure that your business won?t join their ranks. Call (603) 889-0800 to find out more about how we can help protect and optimize your business technology.