The Insecurity of IoT Devices is a Serious Concern? So Why Aren?t Businesses Worried?

Let?s examine the numbers, and discuss why you need to take a different approach. Companies are Complacent About Connected Devices On October 10th, IoT security firm Keyfactor and market research firm Vanson Bourne released a study that revealed as much, as its results ultimately suggested that many businesses putting the IoT to use had reached what they saw as an ?acceptable? level of protection?despite 89% of respondents reporting cyberattacks against their connected devices.

Five Ethical Decisions Innovative Businesses Need to Wrestle With

Misuse of Personal Information The digital era poses a profound ethical quandary regarding the handling of personal data. In our online interactions, from browsing and shopping to social media engagement, we continually divulge personal details. While companies often use this data to personalize user experiences, questions arise about the extent to which it encroaches on our privacy. Personal information is now considered a valuable commodity, empowering businesses to tailor products and services to consumer preferences. Yet, the line between personalization and privacy invasion remains blurry, exemplified by the recurrent controversies surrounding industry leaders? data practices.

VR is an Interesting Tool That’s Growing in Use

The Modern Landscape of VR In 2023, after approximately three decades of development, VR had yet to receive widespread adoption, but it had firmly established itself as an entertainment medium. This progress was largely driven by industry giants. While these endeavors are enjoying moderate popularity, they may not feature prominently in discussions regarding the future of VR for business applications.

Deploying IT with a Purpose

Before we start, we should identify the parts of the business where IT is typically deployed. The purpose of IT is to make operations more efficient, allow for collaboration, automate simple aspects for cost reduction, protect businesses against disaster, and more. The most important role that IT has in any business is as a worker interface. Most workers today work exclusively with digital systems and when they are deployed with purpose it can provide a standardized working experience where people can get more things done and collaborate more effectively.