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File Sharing and the Security Needed to Make it Effective

If there?s one thing that keeps a business going, it?s unified access to company resources. This includes file sharing. In order to collaborate and work on projects both individually or in groups, sharing files will be of critical importance. However, due to the rather risky nature of running a business, sharing files must be done securely, otherwise it puts your data in harm?s way. How can you make sure this doesn?t happen for your organization? We?ve put together some best practices for how a modern business can make sure they aren?t placing their business at risk with their file sharing practices. Take Measures to Prioritize Security Right from the get-go, your organization should be focused on implementing security features for your file sharing systems. You don?t want to find out your employees are using unauthorized applications for file sharing purposes, as they are much more difficult to control and manage. Therefore, you should make it a priority to take security into your own hands, as if you wait too long, it could spell trouble. Implement a Business-Grade System For the average consumer, there are several options for file sharing. While it might be tempting to save money and invest in other parts of your business, we urge you to consider enterprise-class products that are designed exclusively for business. In fact, many of the services the average user takes advantage of have enterprise offerings with security features designed for use with business. If you?re not sure of how to approach this kind of file sharing, be sure to reach out and ask us about it. Take Advantage of the Cloud The cloud is a great tool that can help your business thrive, and it?s especially helpful for file sharing. The cloud enables anytime-anywhere access, which can promote productivity and flexibility in your working environment. Unfortunately, this comes at the cost of security unless you?ve implemented a virtual private network for your employees to access. What this does is encrypt data while it?s in transit, protecting files from being accessed by anyone who is unauthorized to do so. Educate Your Users The cornerstone of any data security measures is to educate your users on why it?s important, as well as how to do it. Train your employees on how to identify potential security issues while sharing files, as well as how to share information in a secure way. After all, if you are going to implement a secure method of sharing data and files, you better make sure your employees are going to use it (and use it well). To learn more about how you can implement file sharing for your business in a secure way, reach out to us at (603) 889-0800.

Down and Out in Cyberspace

Once crime that has seen several false portrayals is the act of hacking. This is not very surprising as hacking is a clandestine effort that would be in reality extraordinarily tedious and boring. That?s not to say that media doesn?t have an effect on how people view hackers, however. The more ludicrous content creators make depictions of hacking and hackers out to be in TV and movies, the less people actually consider that they are, in fact, the people being targeted. Of course, this is just a contrived and ludicrous amalgamation from hacker movies and other interesting PC images (it even has the Matrix). Look at all the flashing lights and other idiotic stuff on that page. A real hacker?s screen is one with function. There are command prompts and open windows with real applications that help them to their end. In fact, the majority of modern hackers, because computing networks and communications are so well encrypted, need to utilize real credentials. So really their home screen probably looks a lot like yours. A browser with an email client open, a word processor to write the message, and maybe a graphics program to make it look as close to professional as possible. Real hacking consists of more research and planning than fast-paced, against-the-clock typing in flashing boxes on a screen. In fact, the computer itself usually does the heavy lifting, as special software is used to infiltrate places by trying different options millions of times. Automation, unless it is undertaken by an eight-foot robot with laser guns, or it results in complete catastrophe, is not cinematic. Most people still don?t know what it takes to hack. All they know is that there are ?hackers? out there in Russia or China looking to steal their credit card numbers and it is up to people smarter and more capable than them to protect them. That kind of Superman view of hacking is exactly why there are so many people that fall victim to them each year. The truth is that people need to know how to protect themselves from hackers. White Mountain IT Services can help. If you and your staff need help sorting fact from fiction, or if you want your whole team to know exactly what you need to do (and what not to do) to protect you and your company?s resources, call us today at (603) 889-0800.

Tip of the Week: Is Virtualization Right for You?

What is Virtualization? With a traditional server infrastructure, you?ll have one operating system installed on each server. The software compatible with the server will depend on what operating system is installed on it, which in turn is also affected by the hardware. In comparison, virtualization allows the operating system to be abstracted, meaning that it?s capable of running outside the hardware using an emulated copy hosted in a layer of software called the hypervisor. In other words, one physical server can do the work of many. What?s So Great About That? Prior to the implementation of virtualization, the direct relationship between hardware and software could be complicated and problematic. For example, configuring software was a particularly challenging task, and so was trying to move software to a different piece of hardware. This could complicate tasks, but with virtualization it is much easier to scale a solution to your specific needs with little-to-no impact on performance. Types of Virtualization There are many different kinds of virtualization that your business can utilize to its benefit. Here are just a few of them: Network virtualization: A virtual network can be broken up into smaller and more easily managed pieces. These can be assigned to channels and their resources for whenever they are needed. Server virtualization: A server can be more flexible when it?s virtualized. Think about it like this: it?s more simple for a user to utilize, as it can provide improved resources for the user. The server also has the ability to improve capacity to grow alongside your business? future needs. Desktop virtualization: Desktop virtualization allows your business to simulate a desktop on a hosted server, rather than gathering the right device for the job. This means that a ?workstation? can effectively be accessed on any connected device. Storage virtualization: You can store data in a virtual environment for easy access on any approved device. This type of virtualization pulls multiple types of physical storage solutions together to create a single unified location for the data. Data virtualization: By abstracting things like location, format, and performance from a data set, this data set is able to be assigned broader access. Application virtualization: If you remove the application from the operating system through abstraction, you no longer need to depend on whether it?s compatible or not with the operating system to use it on your device. White Mountain IT Services can help your business ensure virtualization goes off without a hitch. To learn more, reach out to us at (603) 889-0800.

Microsoft 365 or Office 365: What Product Is Right for Your Business?

Office 365 We?re sure you?ve already heard quite a bit about Microsoft?s productivity suite, Microsoft Office. In its most basic form, it consists of a word processor (Microsoft Word), slideshow creator (PowerPoint), and spreadsheet builder (Excel), among many others, depending on the subscription plan. Office 365 is essentially the Microsoft productivity suite, but in cloud application format. These services can be accessed either through the cloud or an on-premise solution, depending on where they are hosted and stored. Organizations that already have Windows 10 and other solutions for security can easily take advantage of Office 365. Microsoft 365 Let?s say you wanted to upgrade to Office 365, but you don?t have the adequate operating system on your device. Maybe you simply want to upgrade to the latest version of Windows, as well. Microsoft 365 is for businesses that don?t want to purchase an operating system and all of the solutions in pieces, instead offering organizations the complete package in an easy-to-consume format. Here is a list of what Microsoft 365 offers organizations at its most basic level: The Office 365 suite 1TB of storage Device management capabilities via Microsoft Intune Basic data and app security There are also enterprise offerings for organizations that have more than 300 users. Which One is Right for Me? In the end, it all depends on where your business currently stands. If you have solutions you?re happy with, as well as storage and data security, then perhaps Office 365 will be your preferred choice. If you have nothing and want to get going as soon as possible, however, Microsoft 365 might be worth investing in. If you?re not sure, White Mountain IT Services can help you determine what your best options are. To learn more, reach out to us at (603) 889-0800.

How to Be More Productive by Not Working

Of course, there is always the other key question that goes along with asking how? asking when. Judging When You (Really) Need a Break There are a few reliable warning signs that someone needs to step away for a moment. For instance, while someone may be prone to typos, there?s a difference between always making spelling and grammar errors versus specifically starting to make them seven hours into a Wednesday. Alternatively, some workers will grow disinterested in their work and just start going through the motions. In severe cases, they may detach entirely, causing accuracy, morale, and productivity to plummet. If you see yourself start to display these symptoms, do yourself a favor and step away for a few moments. What follows are a few things that often help employees recover more quickly, allowing them to promptly refresh themselves and return to their duties. Read Something (Else) Much of the time, it isn?t so much that we?re doing something, but more of what it is that we are doing. We?ve all been stuck doing something we don?t want to do, so we all know how draining it can feel to do it. If you or your employees find yourself losing focus, take a few minutes and change gears. Reading can help you to get your mind off of what you were just working on, especially if it?s about something totally unrelated to your task. This shift can help your gears recalibrate, enabling you to resume your initial task with aplomb. Escape the Office (Briefly) On the other side of the coin, productivity can often be interrupted by a sense of restlessness–a desire to move around a little, not so much a slip into passivity. Either way, actually separating yourself from your work tools and getting a breath of fresh air can have a significant impact on maintaining productivity. Trying to force yourself to focus can often have a detrimental effect on productivity, which is why skipping breaks and meals is often counterproductive. Instead, try actually leaving the office on your breaks, actually getting something to eat on lunch and going for a brief walk or drive when the opportunity arises. Sometimes, you might just need a literal change of scenery to focus up. Get the Blood Pumping On a related note, taking a walk can contribute to our final way of more productively taking a break: exercise! Taking a few moments to up your heart rate, if only by a little bit, can have a lot of long-term benefits to the work experience. Not only is it a way to improve overall health, it has been shown to boost focus among those who exercise habitually. Plus, being tired isn?t great for focus as a rule, so the improved sleep that exercise can promote can help that way as well. In order to produce their best work, your employees need to be in the position, both mentally and physically, to do so. How do you stay refreshed in the office? Share your strategies in the comments!