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How to Set Up a Gmail Auto-Response

How to Set Up Your Message In Gmail, access the Settings menu by clicking the cog icon at the top-right of your display. In the mobile application, select the Settings option from the hamburger menu at the top left and scroll to the bottom of your options. If you have more than one address connected to your Gmail application, you will have to confirm which of your accounts you want to alter the settings of. Locate the Vacation responder section. On the desktop version, this can be found at the very bottom of your Settings. In the app, this can be found about two-thirds of the way down, under General. On the desktop Gmail application, you can set up your responder from there. The responder automatically starts at midnight on the given day, and ends at midnight on the last specified day (if you provide one). From there, you can write your response like it?s any other message. Making sure that the Vacation responder on radio button is selected, activate your response by pressing the Save Changes button. If using the mobile version of Gmail, access the Vacation responder section by pressing the option. From there, you can switch your responder on (again providing the first and last days that it will come into effect) and compose your message. Once you are satisfied, press Done to save your changes. A yellow bar will appear on top of your Gmail inbox, allowing you to deactivate these features while saving your message in the desktop application. In the mobile app, you have to navigate back to the specified account?s General settings to review whether or not your responder is active. There you have it! You are now able to set up any message you want to share with someone trying to reach you while you aren?t in the office. Things to Keep in Mind It is also important to remember that each person who sends you an email will only see this message once every four days. Depending on your role, your mobile working capabilities, and the reason for your absence, you may want to consider providing your mobile device number in the auto response, or contacts in your organization who can help in your absence. While it is important to remain in communication with your business associates, there are times that it just isn?t practical. This is where this feature comes in handy. At White Mountain IT Services, we specialize in providing businesses with the solutions they need to achieve success. Give us a call at (603) 889-0800 to chat about what we can do for you!

Lean on Your Staff When Upgrading Technology

To this end, consider your employees to be ?customers.? You should aim to give them the tools they need while staying true to the customer service mindset. Methods of Data Collection In other words, we?re suggesting that you take a deep dive into your business? operations through a variety of mediums to best determine which processes can be improved through the implementation of technology. This involves a couple of different methods that you can use to collect data about your business? operations: Employee surveys: Administer anonymous surveys to discover ways certain teams might be able to be more effective at their jobs. Data analysis: Look to see which tasks are taking longer than usual and why. If it?s an internal issue that can be resolved through implementing a service or solution, then look into your options. Face-to-face discussions: Hold a meeting to discuss in-person what each department needs and how to help them get there. Ask Them What They Need Nobody knows your employees? jobs like your employees. If they say that they need something to do their jobs more effectively, you should do your due diligence and investigate what implementing the solution would mean for their effectiveness. Besides, opening up this direct line of communication with employees has a lot of benefits that might not seem clear in the moment. For one, it makes you accessible, meaning that they don?t have to see you as someone they have no hope of reaching. Another is that it shows you care about their work and making it better or more efficient, which can go a long way toward improving trust and transparency in-house. Respond Promptly, but Not Without Consideration Employees appreciate when their words are responded to promptly, but you should never react to what they ask for without first consulting your budget and organizational goals. It?s one thing to hear about issues regarding your workflows, but another entirely to actually act on them. Remember that every solution your business chooses to implement should be able to benefit your company?s bottom line. In other words, if it helps you either increase revenue or decrease operational costs, you can bet that it?s at least worth a shot–especially if it?s as easy to implement as a cloud-based application that can be utilized as a service. Remember, your job as a business owner is to listen to the issues that your employees are having and make it so that they can do their jobs in a more efficient manner. When they have all they need to be successful in their responsibilities, your organization benefits with higher quality of work completed or services rendered. To learn more about how your organization can take a more consumer-based mindset when dealing with your employees and technology, including ease-of-use and accessibility, reach out to us at (603) 889-0800.

Tip of the Week: Five Deliciously Useful Tips for Android Pie

Today, we?ll go over a few of these business-friendly features so you can make the most of your Android device. Predictions to Help Boost Productivity With Android Pie, your phone will pay attention, in a way, to what you are doing and try to predict what you will want to do next based on past experience. These predictions will then appear at the top of your application drawer. You?ll find that these predictions can get pretty granular, too? It isn?t that Android will open the phone application, Android will suggest that you call a specific person – pretty handy, if you typically need to report in or call someone for a status update. You also have the option to take these predictions and drag them to your home screen for even more simplified, continuous access. These Predictions Aren?t Mandatory Of course, not everyone will find these predictions so helpful – especially if your phone detects patterns that aren?t really there. Fortunately, you can get rid of these suggestions. Press and hold the suggestion you want to get rid of until you are able to drag it around. Dragging it to the Don?t show text that appears at the top of the screen will prevent that particular suggestion from appearing again. You also have the option to disable any suggestions from showing up. Pressing an open area on your home screen, access Home settings and from there, Suggestions. Tapping Suggestions, find the toggle switch next to Apps and deactivate them. This will keep suggestions from showing up in your App Drawer and Overview screen. Leveraging Shortcuts Remember how we turned a prediction into a shortcut above? Well, you can make shortcuts out of other things as well. Many applications will have shortcuts baked in, accessible by long-pressing the application in the App Drawer. Doing so will cause a menu of options to appear. Not only can you quickly access your options from this menu, you can drag these menu items to your main screen to create a shortcut as well. Quickly Editing Screenshots With Android Pie, mobile screenshots are easy to take and, perhaps more crucially to your purposes, edit and mark up. Capturing a screenshot is as simple as holding down the power button and volume-down button simultaneously, or simply holding the power button and using the screenshot option in the menu that appears (unfortunately, this option isn?t present in Samsung phones). Once you?ve taken your screenshot, a notification will appear with an Edit option. This editor will let you crop, highlight, and annotate your screenshot, which you can then share with those who need to see it. Adaptive Brightness We each have a preferred brightness for our device?s screen – and chances are, the environment we?re in will cause that to vary. With Android Pie, your phone can actually ?learn? your screen brightness preferences in different light conditions and adjust its own settings to match. This can be activated in the Display section of your settings – just turn on ?Adaptive brightness?. Once you?ve done so, you?ll need to teach your phone how you like your brightness by manually adjusting it in different lighting conditions. What are some of your favorite Android tricks? Share them in the comments!

A Cybersecurity Overview

Before we go into detail about what network security tools your organization should be using, we should say that the whole point of doing all of this is to protect your organization?s investments. You?ve paid for the services, hardware, software, and the time that it has taken to create and store the data, so it only makes sense that you should make the effort necessary to protect it. By protecting your data, you are protecting your staff, your customers, your vendors, and your business. You wouldn?t just leave a bag of money in plain sight inside the front door of your business unless it was locked and you could ensure that no one was coming through it, would you? The same precautions should be taken for your digital assets that, make no mistake about it, are being targeted. Protecting Business Computing A business? computing infrastructure is larger and supports many more services than it ever has in the past. For this reason, we have to start outside the network itself. Cloud services are a big part of today?s business. When they are hosted outside of your network, they are managed by a third-party and one would think they have their own security team handling cybersecurity. Obviously, this can?t be guaranteed, but one would think that if a company is selling processing, applications, or storage over the Internet that their business model depends on their systems remaining secure. For the end-user to access these systems there is a dedicated access control program attached. Many times organizations will require users to set up two-factor authentication to get the most out of the access control system that accompanies the cloud solution. In the cloud, many different types of software, hardware, and other services are available. As we get into the outer layers of the network, the first place where a company has secure is called the perimeter of the network. The best way to do this is by deploying a firewall. A properly deployed and maintained firewall will go a long way toward keeping unwanted visitors off of your network. But in today?s state of things, having only a firewall in place isn?t going to cut it. Going the Extra Mile There is now security solutions called Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) or Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). While these solutions aren?t mutually exclusive, and IDS? job is to tell administrators that there has been a security breach, while an IPS is designed to keep these threats out by attempting to block suspicious activity. An IPS also logs all network traffic, an often substantial undertaking, to ensure that administrators can review, and try to isolate any potentially unwanted action or file that enters the network. Years ago, this would have been enough to keep most threats out. Today, it?s just the beginning. If you think of a computing network like an onion, every ?layer? of the network will get its own access control system and its own firewall. This way each part of a computing network, from the perimeter, to the applications, to the databases where all the data is held are all protected by a different source of encryption. By setting up a tiered access control system that requires authentication in multiple places, it makes it harder for unauthorized access. It also protects your […]

Social Media Can Cause Security Concerns

Most social media sites require that you create an account to represent your business, but in order to do this, Facebook and LinkedIn require you to have a personal account prior to creating a business page. To this end, we?ll be providing tips on how to keep your personal accounts safe from other users, thereby protecting your business. Facebook First, you?ll need to create a personal profile. Facebook doesn?t allow Pages to be created without having a personal profile. Once you have done this, you can use the blue bar at the top of the page to find the feature to Create a menu item. From these options, select Page. From here, select the Business or Brand option to fill in the requested information. You can hide the personal information on your profile page by accessing the Settings via the drop-down arrow at the top-right of the window. From here, you can navigate to the Privacy sub-menu. To lock down your account, set Who can see your future posts to Only me. You can also limit past posts. Furthermore, you should take these actions. Under the How People Find and Contact You area, you need to select Friends of Friends for Who can send you friend requests. Set Who can see your friends list to Only Me. It?s important that you set Who can look you up using the email address you provided to Friends and do the same for the option Who can look you up using the phone number you provided. Uncheck the box on Do you want search engines outside of Facebook to link to your profile, too. Next, you?ll want to click on the Timeline and Tagging option on your left. Change the option for Who can post on your timeline to Only me. With all these settings configured in this way, only your Facebook friends will be able to see your account. LinkedIn LinkedIn also requires you to make an account before creating an official business page. Once you have an account set up, you can create a business page by clicking on Create a Company Page + under the nine-dot menu and following the prompts given. You can hide your LinkedIn profile by accessing Settings & Privacy. Under Privacy, you?ll see several options allowing you to customize the information that LinkedIn shares with others. While social media can lend a considerable amount of visibility to your business, it shouldn?t come at the cost of security. For more tips on how to be as secure as possible with your business, subscribe to our blog.