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How Does Technology Help? Technology can help improve interoffice communication with the right tools. For example, you might have interoffice email, but what about instant messaging? For quick questions or something that needs a quick response in general, it?s the right tool, but it can create problems with the way that your team communicates with each other, as well. For one, it can become a time waster. You might encounter your employees chatting back and forth without really having a conversation of substance. On the surface it might seem like a time waster that gets in the way of productivity, but remember that it?s also critical to preserve a sense of camaraderie. After all, nobody wants to work with people they don?t like, right? Basically, as long as you teach your employees the values of moderation, you shouldn?t have issues like this. It also becomes an issue when your employees become more comfortable communicating with each other behind the veil of their computer screen. Interpersonal skills are important too, especially when working with clients or contemporaries. Remember, technology should never be used as a replacement for face-to-face interaction, only to supplement it in the event that it?s simply impossible to achieve, like with remote workers or international communications. How to Overcome These Challenges Whenever you implement a new solution that threatens to upset the balance of your workforce in terms of communication, be sure to train your employees on how to use it effectively. During this time, it?s important that you don?t place too harsh restrictions on what they can and can?t do, as they will only come to resent you for doing so. Be sure to do your best to encourage proper use of solutions without being overly controlling. You should give employees the freedom to pursue the development of such skills through face-to-face interaction. Schedule employee lunches out to restaurants where they are encouraged to have conversations with each other, as well as employee gatherings that develop camaraderie and help your employees feel more comfortable around each other. Furthermore, hold regular meetings so that people can assign names to faces, as well as see that their boss is a human just like they are, not a blinking picture in their instant messaging software. White Mountain IT Services can help your business overcome any obstacles related to technology in the workplace. Whether you?re not sure how to implement a specific solution or you want to integrate certain services with your current infrastructure, we can walk you through the options and lay out in clear terms what your next steps should be. To learn more about how we can connect your employees with technology, reach out to us at (603) 889-0800.
Check to Make Sure You Have OneNote Installed If you use Microsoft OneNote a lot, you need to know which version of it you?re actually using. If you have Office 2016 or 365, it?s likely OneNote 2016. If you?re still learning how to use OneNote, however, it?s better to ask yourself if you have the new version that came bundled with Windows 10. In this case, you don?t have to do anything at all. First, let?s check what version you have. The older version of OneNote is labeled as OneNote 2016, while the new version is called OneNote. The icons are a little different, too. To see which version of OneNote you have installed, click on the Start menu and type ?onenote.? You?ll see the app labeled OneNote. Your 2016 version will also show up here. If you don?t see the new version, you will likely need to apply updates. In this case, you will want to work with your IT department, or if you don?t have one of those, give us at White Mountain IT Services a call at (603) 889-0800. Now, even if you were previously using OneNote 2016, your notes will not appear in the new version of OneNote. To make this happen, you will have to migrate your notes over to the new app. You will also need to sign into the new OneNote application for the first time using your Microsoft or Office 365 account, which might require the help your IT administrator. Migrating Notes from OneNote 2016 to OneNote OneNote 2016 has a couple of ways you can store a notebook. It?s likely that even those who utilize OneNote on a regular basis don?t realize how it works. It doesn?t really ask you if and where you want to save notes, but that?s one of the biggest benefits of it; it handles all the heavy lifting for you once it?s all set up. Back up Your OneNote 2016 Notebooks First, open OneNote 2016 and follow these steps to back up your notes: Click File > Options. In the OneNote Options dialog box, choose Save & Backup. On the right, you?ll see a section called Save. Select Backup Folder. Click the Modify? button. Choose a destination to store your backup. A good spot would be a folder called OneNote 2016 Backup in your Documents folder or on your desktop. Once you?ve found a place to put your backup, click Select. Then click Ok on the OneNote Options dialog. Go back to File > Options > Save & Backup. On the right, in the section labeled Backup, click Back Up All Notebooks Now. Wait for OneNote to finish backing up your notebooks. Open Your Notebooks in OneNote OneNote 2016 stores all of your notes from your notebooks, which by default are stored in your Documents folder in their own specific folder. Alternatively, they are stored on Microsoft OneDrive. You can also store notebooks on a shared location on your network, or anywhere you want. If you?re using one of the default options, the new version of OneNote probably won?t have any issue pulling info from your old notebooks. Open OneNote (the new version) and Try Opening Your Notebooks Simply type ?onenote? into your Start Menu and open the new OneNote app. Click Notebooks to see a list of your notebooks. […]
OneNote has been one of the best pieces of software that isn?t fully utilized by most users in the Microsoft Office suite, including Office 365 subscriptions. It?s perfect for taking quick notes and organizing thoughts, and since it syncs with smartphones, it can be taken on-the-go. If you?ve been using OneNote for a while, it?s likely you are using OneNote 2016, which has been bundled together with Office (and Office 365). Now, you might also have noticed that other Microsoft Office apps received small updates every so often, but did OneNote 2016 receive any? Perhaps not? and for one particular reason. OneNote is Leaving Office OneNote 2016 will continue getting support from Microsoft for a little while, but the main focus for the OneNote app in the future will be the application that comes bundled with Windows 10. You might already have it installed on your computer. To find out, click on your Start menu and type onenote. You?ll see a couple of options: OneNote 2016 and OneNote. These are two separate apps. Microsoft is focusing on making OneNote, not its 2016 counterpart, the definitive version of the note-taking experience. What?s the Difference? Microsoft claims that the big difference between the two is that OneNote comes with Windows 10, making it much more accessible than it was when it was a part of Office. While it might still be bundled with Office 365 and Office 2019, OneNote will be available for anyone using Windows 10 by default. There are more new features that OneNote can write home about, too, including ways to share, sort, and dress up your notes with annotations. Furthermore, if you have a computer or tablet that uses a pen, like the Surface Pro, there is support for it that completely changes the way you experience OneNote. Microsoft has put together a comprehensive list of new features for OneNote, as well as a more succinct version for your perusal. Check out both lists here. This is especially important, as OneNote 2016 will not be getting new features, making the new OneNote app truly the best way to experience this kind of note-taking application. It?s a great tool that can be used to compile and discard notes scattered across multiple notebooks, or even loose scraps of paper that litter your desk. In the future, be on the lookout for a guide that can help you migrate your OneNote 2016 notes into the new version of OneNote. Until then, subscribe to our blog and let us know what kind of tips you?d like to see in the comments.
Consider the Security Issues of the IoT The Internet of Things has done a lot for people over a relatively short period of time. With more access and more information being tracked than ever before, people have more knowledge about their lives. For the modern business however, most of the IoT that is deployed for business purposes, are dependable, built-specifically-for-business, devices. The devices that are causing the most problems are the cut-rate devices that businesses will sometimes purchase to avoid capital outlays and consumer-based devices that staff and customers bring into the business. A lot of consumer IoT devices have been notoriously vulnerable to cyberattack, resulting in being a point of entry for hackers looking to do more than syphon off a few files. From this entry point, a cybercriminal has plenty of opportunities to create major problems for a business by stealing data, hijacking these devices for use in a botnet, or simply as a revolving door in and out of a network. Shadow IoT When your staff downloads software that hasn?t been vetted by your IT administrator, they call it shadow IT. Today, with the prevalence of IoT devices, businesses have to be cognizant more of shadow IoT. People have more connected devices, such as wearables, that you may not be cognizant of. With that many endpoints, there is bound to be one that isn?t updated or is completely unsupported. This presents a shadow IoT problem. In 2017, a study showed that every organization surveyed by an IoT security firm were found to have consumer IoT devices on the network that qualified as shadow IoT. Another report, from 2018, stated that one-third of United States, United Kingdom, and German companies have over 1,000 shadow IT devices on their networks every day. This creates a major problem since cybercriminals have been known to hack into IoT devices to gain network access, spy and listen in on conversations, and simply hold control over the device. How to Minimize Shadow IoT There are a few things you can do to build a stronger, more proactive strategy to deal with the growing number of IoT devices on your network. Accept IoT devices in the workplace. Rather than not accommodating these devices or blacklisting them completely, if you make it simpler for your employees to bring them onto your network through proper channels, they?ll be more apt to share them with your IT admin. Transparency and cooperation can be effective tools to get everyone on the same page. Keep IoT devices separate. You can partition your wireless network as to keep IoT devices (and software) away from core business systems. Seek out potential threats. Over 80 percent of the IoT is fueled by wireless networking. By monitoring wireless signals for shadow IoT devices and networks, you can avoid IoT-induced headaches. The IoT is big and getting bigger; and, you need help to get your IoT threats under heel. Call us today at (603) 889-0800 to learn how we can help you manage your exposure to the Internet of Things.
There are several reasons why instant messaging can make or break your internal communications infrastructure. Here are a few ways it can benefit your organization. Fewer Errors Miscommunication happens, but a business setting is no place for this if it can be helped. If you fail to share the correct information with the right people, productivity could decrease and put operations at risk. Proper communication is able to minimize the risk of these errors. Increased Accountability When a business keeps its communications open all around, you might see an increase in companywide compatibility. This means that employees from all parts of your business will be forthcoming about their responsibilities for certain milestones in a process, keeping each member of a team productive, focused, and up to speed. Improved Teamwork Better communication leads to better cooperation, leading to problems being solved easier and quicker. In this way, communication can help your organization mitigate issues and solve them in a more efficient way. Furthermore, problems that span departments can be resolved without interpersonal issues affecting the work involved. Effective Problem Solving Communicating gives your team a better pool of talents to work toward a goal. It doesn?t matter if the problem is strategic or technical; this ability will give you more options to resolve an issue and benefit your business? operations. Instant Messaging in the Workplace All of these outcomes can potentially result from a messaging application?s use, as long as it?s implemented correctly. You want to make sure that the solution you intend to use works properly with your business? goals. Furthermore, an instant messaging solution is only valuable if your staff are using it effectively. Here are some best practices to consider for your instant messaging system: Keep it in check: There?s a fine line between your staff properly using instant messaging capabilities and aimlessly chatting all day. Encourage your staff to limit their conversations to those related to the workday. Remain professional: Conversations that occur through your instant messaging software should be focused on workplace matters and strictly professional. The instant messaging application shouldn?t be used to share jokes, GIFs, memes, or other silliness in excess. As always, moderation is key here. Don?t rely too much on it: Not all conversations should be held through your instant messaging platform. It?s important that you keep in mind certain conversations are better had in person or via email. What are your thoughts on instant messaging in the workplace? Be sure to let us know in the comments.