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Be More Productive by Following a Routine

What Makes a Routine So Beneficial? Assuming that a routine is set up properly, it can bring many advantages to the workplace. Here are some variables to consider: Consistency It stands to reason that, by approaching a task, in the same way, each time you do it, you can expect to get the same results. This means that, if you find a means of completing a task that brings the most benefit, you can adopt that means as your set process to repeat that result in the future. Time Savings While any process will have a bit of a learning curve, its gradual familiarity will ultimately boost its inherent efficiency. Therefore, if this routine process is developed into standard business practice, the speed at which this practice can be completed will increase, and productivity will rise. Simplification We?ve all found ourselves doing a repetitive task before. Chances are, you found yourself being able to produce the same results in less time and with less difficulty. As a result, your employees can use a routine to improve their productivity without added stress. Therefore, a process is beneficial to both the employee and the employer, so it only makes sense that you would want to increase your use of them in your own operations. To assist you in doing so, we?ve put together a few best practices. Developing Your Own Routines Good workplace habits aren?t terribly difficult to put into place. Start before the work day does. Waking up correctly and preparing yourself properly has a predictably positive impact on how the rest of your day will go. Make sure you get enough rest before the workday by going to bed and waking up at a consistent time. Start your day by making your bed. The small accomplishment can help to frame your day for success. Take a few moments to arrange the day?s priorities in your mind before you leave. Building habits like these can ensure that your days are primed to be productive and worthwhile. Take control of your workday. Once in ?the office,? your efforts need to be focused on how to best accomplish your goals. Look at your schedule as a tool to help you accomplish your goals, rather than a list of obligations. Resist postponing tasks that are arduous or frustrating. Like making the bed, completing them early on can make you feel better about your day. Group similar tasks together to prevent having to shift your train of thought repeatedly. Limit the amount of times you do semi-productive tasks, like checking your emails. These behaviors can help you make the most of your available time. Disconnect and reset yourself when work is over. As they say, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Take some time to refresh after the long day and invest in yourself. Look over the day?s accomplishments and separate yourself from any issues that you can. Instead of zoning out in front of the television, take some time on a personal hobby or activity. Establish a regular bedtime routine to end the day on a pleasant note and prime yourself for the next. With a bit of tweaking, you?ll soon find yourself in the best mindset to work each day. What routines have you found helpful in your life? […]

Tips For Working From Home

Tips For Working From Home Here are some tips to promote safe remote working, All of these are equally important.    1.  Make sure you understand best practices. Now more than ever it?s important for you to stay up to date on cybersecurity. If your organization has an ongoing training program, make sure you?re actively participating. Scams like phishing only INCREASE when employees are working remotely ? you must stay in the know on current threats and best practices. 2.  Make sure you understand your organization?s policies and procedures. If you?re working remotely, your organization should have a Remote Work Policy. Make sure you have read and understood that policy and what is expected of you. You should also continue following ALL company policies and procedures as if you were in the office. 3.  Don?t use public Wi-Fi for work. Work should be done from a secured network, preferably in a home environment and with company equipment. It is also highly recommended that you connect to your company?s network with a Virtual Private Network (VPN). If you are unsure of how to do that, contact your supervisor or IT for more information. 4.  Keep all software up to date. Updates/patches are often released to address security flaws and other loopholes or risk factors. Keeping all devices updated is critical in preventing unauthorized access. 5.  If possible, use only company-issued devices for work. Do not let friends or family members use your company-issued device. 6.  Do not use your company-issued device for personal use. It is advised to stay off social media, shopping sites, or any other websites you may visit in your free time when using a company-issued device. Only do secure, company work on company devices and time. 7.  Be mindful of where you save files and data. Do not save files on your local or personal hard drives that may be more likely to be breached. 8.  Back up your files. If you?re unsure of your company?s backup procedure, contact your supervisor or IT. It is very important to back up your work that way if a local loss occurs, data can be more easily recovered. 9. Use strong, unique passwords. Make sure your passwords for your device and all of your accounts are strong and unique. Never reuse the same password across multiple accounts, and do not share your passwords with others. 10.  Lock screens when not in use. This helps limit any unauthorized access to the information you may still have open on your system.