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Some IT Changes Can Be Problematic for Your Business

Reasons to Implement Technology Businesses are consistently looking to work new technology into the way they do things. This wasn?t always the case, but today, where companies have to find more to do with less, it is a safe bet that your average business owner will try to patch the holes with technology. Obviously, this is a sound strategy as long as there are some tempered expectations of what your business is going to gain by trying to utilize technology in this fashion. Some things will work, some won?t. Can your business afford a wait-and-see approach?  This is why any business that is looking to technology to improve their business has to understand what technology they are already using, how a new technology would pair with that other tech; and, most importantly, how their staff would be able to function with the new software in place.  Shifts in operational technology strategies can take some time to acclimate to, and if you commit to technology investments that don?t work to immediately improve productivity or efficiency, there is a good chance that you won?t see the return you are looking for.  Is This Technology Investment Prudent? The benefits of a properly-deployed solution can be massive, but is that right for your business? Let?s look at some questions you should ask before signing off on a new technology investment.  Are You Deploying the Right Tech? When shifting gears and deploying new software, businesses often have a period of time where transition makes things difficult. Obviously, you?ll need to successfully implement the technology, you?ll need to train your people up, and you?ll need to create a support strategy. Doing all that well will typically provide the results you are looking for? unless the technology you implemented doesn?t solve the problems it was supposed to; or, worse yet, creates a whole set of new problems that make it look like a giant waste of strategic resources.  The IT professionals at White Mountain IT Services can help you completely avoid these problems. We can do an assessment and provide you with solutions that will absolutely address the problems you’re having without the headache of trying to implement technology and keep your business running.  A Partial Upgrade If you have workers that have been with you for years, and you?ve been using the same technology the whole time, it can?t be a big surprise when they have difficulties acclimating to a new solution. It can actually make you leave antiquated systems in place because the cost to train your people up is too high. Sure, you need to know that your people can do the work you need them to do with the tools you provide, but if you run into this issue, finding solutions that allow you to leverage automation can really help your business. The technology you use, as useful as it is, pales in comparison to having an efficiently running business. Being able to automate mundane and repetitive tasks can take some of the pressure off your workforce. Partially upgrading, or upgrading in phases, might just be the way to go.  If you would like to discuss this or any other technology issue you may have, call us today at (603) 889-0800.

How You Can Use Workflow Automation to Make the Office Better

Inventory As anyone who has had to handle it could tell you, handling a business? inventory is a major pain. However, solutions now exist that?by automating these processes?help to effectively eliminate it from someone?s to-do list. While this benefit is particularly relevant to retail outlets and other businesses that deal with direct sales, there are benefits to be had for any business whose operations require supplies of some sort. Just consider how much paper many businesses still go through throughout their operations, and how much time goes into ensuring that there is enough on hand for these operations to continue. Now consider that these procedures could be easily carried out with minimal involvement from your employees, both saving time and reducing the risk of user error. Human Resources The HR department carries a ton of responsibility, so it only makes sense to do everything possible to simplify these processes. Automation makes this far more feasible by taking much of the typical workload off your HR resource?s plate. Seeing as very few people actively enjoy paperwork, providing a means to attend to most of it with little effort will be a change that your HR department is sure to appreciate. After all, this allows them to leave their desk more often and spend more time with the employees they act as your representative between? ultimately adding to the company?s incoming cash flow. Workflow Automation Finally, we must address the complexity of your processes?or, more specifically, the potential hang-ups and oversights that could occur within them and throw your operations off schedule. Whether you are trying to ensure that information is properly filed away, that the right status updates are getting to the people who need them, and that everything is shipshape to securely fulfill your clients? expectations, automation can prove to be an asset with visible benefits. Fortunately, there are solutions available that can see to all of these needs and can be easily implemented? provided that you reach out to White Mountain IT Services. Our team of IT experts can help you adopt the strategies that will ensure your business is the well-oiled machine your clients and customers want it to be. Give us a call at (603) 889-0800 to learn more about how we can be of assistance.

Prioritizing Security with Your Messaging Apps

Today, we thought we would take a few minutes to review the goings on in the social media and messaging space. Consolidating Facebook  Back in December, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) filed a lawsuit in federal court against Facebook, claiming that the social media giant has been engaged in anticompetitive conduct and violated antitrust laws. The attorneys general of 46 states, the District of Columbia, and Guam all cooperated with the FTC in an investigation that states Facebook has been engaged in unethical business by acquiring and running would-be competitor apps WhatsApp and Instagram. Facebook?s actions are being scrutinized as they begin to consolidate the management of data throughout their family of apps.  Facebook is also accused of restricting third-party software developers from accessing Facebook?s development platform unless they signed legal agreements to only create applications that don?t directly compete with Facebook?s properties.  Smaller Messaging Apps Thrive With WhatsApp?s recent announcement that all data sent and received on the application will effectively be considered a part of that person?s Facebook profile, a lot of users are looking to change to emerging messaging applications to avoid the security and privacy concerns. Two options include Signal and Telegram. These two options have seen massive growth. Signal has gained 7.5 million new users in a week?s time, while Telegram became the most downloaded app in the United States, adding 9 million new users. With WhatsApp now requiring users to share phone numbers, locations, and contacts? phone numbers with Facebook and its subsidiaries, there is concern about user?s privacy. Facebook has stated that the new privacy policies do not affect messages shared between family or friends, only those messages sent to a business. That fact is largely lost on people who seem to finally be getting a handle on how important their data privacy really is.  What do you think? Do you agree with Facebook?s move to consolidate their data collection, or do you think that data privacy is too important for such a powerful company to make these drastic moves? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

What Should We Expect the Workplace to Look Like After COVID-19?

Our Status With over 25 million doses of vaccine administered around the world (as of this writing), it seems to be an appropriate time to look ahead to what the average work environment will likely look like once the virus has lost its teeth and we can safely return to some semblance of normalcy. It would be dishonest to say that work and employment remained unaffected by the pandemic, especially considering how many industries had to shut down or greatly restrict their operations to help preserve the health of the public. Of course, other industries simultaneously became more important than they ever were before, their workers being given the title ?essential.? These shifts ultimately resulted in a dip in the employment rate that, as compared to the economic recessions we?ve had in the past, was three times as severe. Today?s technology has since enabled quite a few of these jobs to be replaced by automated alternatives or picked back up via remote solutions. These remote capabilities and their ongoing improvements are responsible for sustaining many businesses, as well as encouraging people to apply to start their own, online businesses for themselves. Of course, most people hope that things will at some point return to what was once known as normal. It must be said, though, that to simply drop all the advancements that businesses have since adopted to survive isn?t a good outcome, either. Considering this, we can make a few predictions as to how normal business operations may undergo a fundamental change with many. What Will Become of Remote Work? Putting it simply, we fully expect a greater utilization of remote work and operations, with the proportion of companies that put it to use rising. We see this as likely for a few reasons: Those businesses that elected not to take advantage of remote capabilities will have largely closed, unable to maintain their operations enough to support themselves. Increased demand for remote tools and technologies has led to more being developed. More businesses will likely see remote work as a viable component of their business strategies and cost optimization. It must be said, however, that all this will require some commitment to the technology, both in terms of practically implementing it and in inspiring a workforce to take advantage of it. Adapting your workplace culture and processes to incorporate these new capabilities will help with training your team to utilize them more securely and more consistently. As a result, your business? success becomes more likely. With remote functionality a clear and essential need for today?s businesses, it would be irresponsible to carry on as though the past year had never happened. White Mountain IT Services can help you avoid that by assisting you in adopting the right technologies and incorporating them into your processes. Find out how else we can assist you by calling (603) 889-0800.

Helpful Features Found in Google Docs

Want to check out Google Docs? It?s free for anyone with a Google account, although if you are going to use it for your business, you should talk to us about Google Workspace.  You can log in at to see how the free version works. Version History Undoubtedly, one of Google Docs? most useful features must be its referenceable version history. Think about it?you could go back and review how people have edited the document and the rate that progress has been made. This not only enables a higher level of accountability in your work, but it also makes it clear who made certain changes and when these changes were made. As a result, it is far clearer to everyone involved who has contributed their share, and how the status of the team?s efforts currently stands. Accessing this area is as simple as clicking File>Version history>See version history and choosing from the list of dates and times provided. If you want to restore a file from one of these past versions, it is as simple as clicking the Restore this version button at the top of the screen in the review section when one of the past modifications are selected. Interacting with a Document Due to the collaborative nature of Google Docs, the likelihood is high that your documents are frequently shared throughout your organization and amongst your clients. Of course, not everyone who has their hands on these documents necessarily needs the capability to make changes?or even leave feedback at all. Google Docs enables you to share these documents while also dictating the amount of access that your recipients have?as well as to limit your own capabilities as well, to help you effectively accomplish specific tasks. This can be done by altering how the document is presented, which comes in three modes: Editing, Suggesting, and Viewing. Predictably, Editing mode enables a user to make changes. However, with the document set to Suggesting mode, the user can only (as the name would suggest) suggest changes to be made. Likewise, Viewing mode only allows a user to view the document?pretty handy, especially when you?re looking for feedback over collaboration. Mobile Capabilities Google Docs also comes as a very capable (if limited by the platform) mobile application, enabling your team to potentially make quick reviews and edits while on the move. While we wouldn?t recommend anyone write their next novel from scratch using this method, it can prove handy in a pinch. As you would expect, any changes you make there are reflected to any collaborators you are working with. Obviously, Google Docs offers many more capabilities that we encourage you to discover for yourself. For assistance in implementing it for your organization, or more information about the other options available to you, give us a call at (603) 889-0800 today.