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Why You Need to Consider Managed IT Now More Than Ever

Managing Your IT You may not even realize it, but your IT management carries with it substantial cost, whether that cost be from hiring onsite IT administrators or from not having any IT support and the time and expense it takes away from you and your staff. Today, there are other considerations outside of just the health of your infrastructure, especially if your workforce is dispersed and working remotely. The fact is that by having an IT services provider handle the health of your organization?s IT, you are getting more than just IT support, you are removing the financial shackles around your IT support and providing your staff the maintained and managed information systems that can make a huge difference for them.  White Mountain IT Services delivers IT services that aren?t just your run-of-the-mill IT support, they are a value-based service delivery that not only provides your business with superiorly monitored and managed IT, it also provides your business several services that can be of immense benefit to your organization. They include: Remote management – Our staff of certified technicians use some of the most sophisticated IT management software to monitor and manage your hardware and your network to ensure they are working as intended. Backup and disaster recovery – Our managed IT services provide comprehensive backup services that protect your business? data to ensure that it is secure, regardless of your situation. Patch management – We ensure that all of your software is routinely patched and updated to ensure that you don?t have any harmful vulnerabilities that could be exploited. Vendor management – We deal with your IT vendors to ensure you are getting what you pay for and to help you avoid that time and expense. IT help desk – We provide a remote help desk that delivers your staff a direct line to an IT professional. Most IT issues can be resolved in minutes. Technology procurement – Our team of professional technicians can help any business design, deploy, and support any IT needed for your business. Fast onsite support – If you need onsite support and services, our team responds quickly to ensure that the IT systems you depend on are running proficiently.  White Mountain IT Services delivers managed IT services that help your business save time and money, assists you in avoiding productivity bottlenecks that occur as a result of IT-related downtime, and does it for one, easily budgetable rate. To learn how you can gain the peace of mind and cost stability that managed IT services provide, give us a call at (603) 889-0800 today.

Putting a Focus on Productivity

Keep Track of Your Time An individual will always think he/she will know how long a certain task will take when they?ve done the task numerous times. Sometimes it surprises them to find out how inaccurate those projections are. In order to definitively know how long tasks take, monitoring how much time they take is a great solution. Once you know how much time you take, you can make a conscious effort to take less time.  Limit Your Exposure to Meetings What percentage of your meetings, would you say, are a giant waste of time? If that percentage is high, consider that one study found that the average employee spends 31 hours a month in meetings. If you are wasting over 30 hours a month in meetings, cutting that down will most certainly improve your overall productivity. Work with Reasonable Deadlines A lot of people work better with a little bit of stress from an impending deadline. Sometimes, however, the deadline is counterproductive. If you are able to set your own deadlines, make sure you leave yourself with a reasonable amount of time to get everything done. This will help you stay ahead of the workload.  Set Goals You Can Accomplish We all want to be good at our jobs, but you need to know your limits. You will want to set reasonable goals and try your best to meet them. Setting unattainable goals may seem like it will foster better results, but it very rarely does.  Take Regular Breaks Taking regular breaks can actually be great for productivity. Getting away from a task, especially one that creates stress, can help rebuild any lost focus.  Be As Proactive As Possible The most productive people don?t deal with as many problems. This is largely because they proactively handle situations that create inefficiency. By planning for the worst, you will likely find that the worst never comes. Attempt to Reduce Interruptions Interruptions are going to happen, but if they are continuous, distraction is inevitable. Try to maintain focus on one problem at a time, even if the interruption is welcome.  Turn Off Notifications Notifications can be extremely distracting, and can keep people from maintaining focus. By turning off notifications, people aren?t inundated with status updates and erroneous messages and are able to put their all into the tasks at hand. If productivity is the name of the game, considering these strategies will help. Subscribe to our blog for more great business tips and technology information.

How Your Business? IT Future Has Changed in the Past Year

Operational Agility is a Prerequisite for Success At risk of sounding like a movie trailer from the ?90s? in a world where many businesses have closed due to the limitations that social distancing concerns have created, the capability to operate despite such restrictions is even more important. Digital solutions, particularly those supported by cloud technology, are well-known for enabling productivity regardless of where the user may be. Naturally, this can come in handy in numerous ways?not only can isolated coworkers continue to collaborate remotely, but this flexibility also allows businesses to scale their services to better match their needs and budgetary constraints. As a result, an agile business is better prepared to adapt to changing conditions, making the most of all the situations that it may encounter. IT is More Than Just Tech Support Let?s take a step back and consider the entirety of the business landscape, including smaller organizations and large corporations alike. Featuring the right technology has proven to be an asset to so many different industries that have helped to sustain some measure of their operations in the past months?and in the same vein, simplified some significantly important processes. Take the increase in curbside or delivery services by restaurants and stores alike as an example, or contactless payment options that have been more widely adopted (use rising by 150 percent) across the board. Solutions like these have allowed technology to prove itself even more instrumental in powering all aspects of a business? successful continuity?a trend that is not likely to change as restrictions are lifted, due to benefits coming to both sides of any business transaction. Critical Collaboration Has Continued While the use of collaborative solutions and communications was already rising before COVID-19 was in play, it is without question that the pandemic accelerated the rate of their adoption by significant measure. Without the ability for team members to simply turn and face their coworkers, reliable tools were needed to enable them a different means to check in with one another. These events have proven a few key things to businesses and the management behind them. First, it shows that successful operations are possible when dealing with remote assets, so long as these assets possess the tools needed to carry them out. On a related note, it also helped to prove that today?s collaborative habits are primarily possible thanks to the IT that we use to power them? to embrace the benefits, the methodologies must be integrated into the workflows. When all is said and done, equipping a business with the right tools for the task puts it in a better position to succeed, without the worry that some event out of its control will sideline it. As time marches on, it becomes increasingly important to understand and address this simple fact.  White Mountain IT Services has been here the whole time, ready to assist businesses in identifying, maintaining, and managing exactly the tools they need. To find out how we can assist you, give us a call at (603) 889-0800.

HAFNIUM Attacks Target Most Microsoft Exchange Servers

HAFNIUM, and Their Actions Back on January 5th, 2021, a security researcher at security testing firm DEVCORE operating under the nom de plume ?Orange Tsai? reported a few issues that were discovered in Exchange Server. The same issues were reported on January 27th by the Danish firm Dubex, and on February 2nd by a firm called Volexity. All these reports alluded to what proved to be the actions of a hacking group in China that goes by ?HAFNIUM.? HAFNIUM?s hacking efforts have been directed toward the email platforms used in many different organizations? systems?including organizations classified as infectious disease researchers, defense contractors, institutions of higher education, law firms, think tanks, and civil societies/non-government organizations. In total, it seems apparent that hundreds of thousands of organizations making use of Microsoft Exchange have been swept up in the attack, breached by HAFNIUM with backdoors left open for the hacking group?s convenience later on. These breaches were originally directed against exclusively high-value targets, but have swiftly become far less discerning in who may be affected, with all encountered servers now taken over by the automated attacks. While these attacks have left the cloud-hosted Exchange servers untouched, a lot of the victims were using both on-site and cloud-hosted in tandem. A patch was released on March 2nd that only protects against infiltration, leaving those who had already been infected to fend for themselves. This is Now A Global Cybersecurity Crisis With the patch in play, it is now a race between hackers and organizations to see who acts first?with either HAFNIUM infecting a target or that target patching their systems against them. Too many have already lost to HAFNIUM, at this point. Even worse, these patches won?t do anything to resolve an existing breach, necessitating a comprehensive network analysis to eliminate any sign of infection. With this event constituting a zero-day threat against all self-hosted instances of Outlook Web Access that had not been patched within that span of a few days, these activities need to be prioritized within every business if only to be certain. We?re here to help. As a managed service provider, part of our job is to help our clients identify and eliminate any risk factors and threats that issues within their technology may pose. Learn more about our services by calling (603) 889-0800 today.

Making Sense of Bitcoin

Bitcoin is Digital Money Whoa, whoa, whoa…money?  Yes! Like many other types of currency such as the yuan, the dollar, the euro, and the ruble, Bitcoin is real money. It is what is called a cryptocurrency and it is (very) slowly becoming a universally accepted currency. Its actual value comes from its scarcity, which we?ll touch on in a bit. Bitcoin first entered the public consciousness when the value of one skyrocketed from a relatively measly few hundred dollars to about $20,000 in late 2017. Since then, Bitcoin has garnered its own following and inspired many to seek it out for themselves. Where Bitcoin Comes From Here?s the thing that a lot of people overlook about money: it?s little more than a symbol to represent value, essentially an IOU from the government backing it?rather than a voucher stating how much of that government?s treasury is due to the person possessing it. This kind of currency is known as fiat money, and is known for its economic stability. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are different. Instead of a bank or a nation backing the currency, cryptocurrencies are self-managed with their own transaction histories recorded in perpetuity. Bitcoin is generated through ?mining??a computer processing complicated equations to generate a packet of data. The trend has actually generated shortages in high-end computer hardware and boosted demand for data centers worldwide. However, this boom has led to a much slower generation rate of new Bitcoin? the more miners seeking it out, the more Bitcoin mined successfully, and the more processing it will take to generate more. As Bitcoin can?t really be mined on consumer-grade or even business hardware for any real return, the investment to make it work is formidable. Not only is the hardware needed expensive in and of itself, maintaining that hardware takes a lot of time and draws a lot of power. Estimates have posited that the carbon footprint used to maintain Bitcoin is in line with the carbon footprint of the entirety of New Zealand, which suggests that environmental regulations may be applied to mining at some point in the future. What?s the Point? The major selling point behind Bitcoin is that it is anonymized. While there is a public record of all transactions, identities remain hidden. By establishing a Bitcoin wallet on your computer or in the cloud, the wallet?s ID is then associated to your transactions. This enables Bitcoin to be used for effectively everything from illicit goods and materials to home goods from Overstock?effectively, the merchant just has to accept them. More than anything else, however, Bitcoin has become a bit of a speculative stock market, miners seeking to make a profit by buying up Bitcoin when the value is low and selling it off when prices are high. Is Bitcoin Risky? Let?s make this clear: any investment, regardless of what it is in, carries with it some level of risk. Bitcoin adds a few more?your money could be deleted due to a hardware failure or a virus, and a wallet could be stolen from the cloud without any of the insurance that a bank account offers. Bitcoin is not the only cryptocurrency by a long shot. One that has also seen a recent surge in popularity is the meme-inspired and Elon Musk-promoted Dogecoin? almost strictly because Musk […]