Tip of the Week: Pin a Chrome Tab for Easy Access Later

Pinned Browser Tabs Most times, you?re going online to do a set list of things, using just a few certain websites more than most others. Studies have shown as much. However, if a user prefers to keep these tabs open throughout their browsing session, it is too simple to accidentally close it out when trying to navigate between them. This is where the benefits of pinning a browser tab become apparent. By pinning a browser tab, your tab can no longer be closed out and the website name is removed so that it takes up less space and leaves more room for other tabs. Pinning a tab is simple: Right-click on the tab Select Pin tab from the drop-down When you want to unpin your tab, follow the same process, and simply select the correct option from the same drop-down. If a tab has been pinned, any internal links (directing to a page on the same website) will open in that tab, while external links will open in a new, unpinned tab. Interested in learning more about how your technology can work harder for you? Reach out to White Mountain IT Services today by calling (603) 889-0800.

What Your Employees Need to Know to Keep Their Own Data Secure, Too

Let?s go into why this is, and what these practices should look like. How an Employee?s Security Habits Impact the Business? Security Overall Okay, stay with us here?there are a few steps that we need to go through to get from point A to point B. Chances are that your team members are likely somewhat lax in their security practices when their own data is concerned. This means we can confidently say that, without oversight, simplicity will likely win out over the admittedly less convenient best practices. While you should be ensuring that all devices that connect to your business network are updated and abide by certain best practices, like password quality and the like, you aren?t exactly standing over their shoulder while they?re browsing from home. With so many people now working remotely?potentially from devices they own, not the ones you?ve provided?this can quickly become an issue. With poorly managed and maintained devices accessing your business? resources, you are exposed to greater risks. Obviously, this isn?t acceptable. To help minimize the impact that lax security practices could potentially have, you need to reinforce the importance of properly adhering to what is recommended in the office while at home. Best Practices That Your Employees Need to Abide by at Home, Too Password Hygiene Don?t reuse passwords Update passwords somewhat regularly Use an approved password manager to help simplify this compliance Supplement your passwords with some form of 2FA/MFA Precautionary Measures Avoid any publicly accessible wireless networks Think before you click when browsing the Internet or checking emails Use a Virtual Private Network (or VPN) to securely connect to your infrastructure Always keep an up-to-date antivirus and firewall installed Regularly update your software Browsing Practices Avoid insecure websites (those beginning with ?http? instead of ?https?) Keep personally identifiable information (PII) private Understand what a phishing attack is, and how to spot them Keep work devices dedicated to work purposes Interested in learning more about any of these practices? Give White Mountain IT Services a call to discuss your options with us, along with any of your other business-IT related questions. Dial (603) 889-0800 today.

Three Smart Business IT Moves for Any Sized Organization

Prioritize Security Your business? most valuable asset is in many ways its data?an importance that needs to be acknowledged and respected by everyone working there. Data security hinges on adherence to a great many best practices that address so much, from password creation to threat awareness to the importance of proper authentication. It will help to fully educate your team about the gravity of such topics, boosting their awareness by honing in on the consequential outcomes and how these measures help keep the company?and by extension, their jobs?safe. Checking up on and evaluating your team?s preparedness is also important, as the feedback you provide could just be what prevents a serious data issue in the future. Emphasize Consistency While the tools provided by Microsoft, Google, and Apple are more compatible with one another than ever before, it is in no way convenient to have your business spread amongst the different operating systems and environments. On the contrary?this can easily open the door to issues and user error creating larger problems. Establishing standard operating procedures pertaining to everything from your preferred equipment to the workflows that are carried out is important. If your processes are not consistent, data could be lost, misplaced, or otherwise rendered inaccessible. Making sure that approved company workflows are put in place and followed will be key to maintaining productivity and collaboration. Enable Mobility Finally, with work processes now possible from so many more places, ensuring that your team can work from effectively anywhere is a major benefit that shouldn?t be passed up on. With benefits to flexibility and productivity at stake, enabling mobile operations is almost a no-brainer for today?s most agile businesses. White Mountain IT Services can provide you and your team members the tools needed to support these practices. Learn more by calling (603) 889-0800 today.

The 2021 Guide for Stopping Annoying Robocalls

What Can I Do to Stop Scammy Robocallers? There?s some good news. All four major US carriers have free spam call blocking of some sort. On top of that, thanks to 2019?s Traced Act, law enforcement has been granted even more power to fight back against the entities that turn our phones against us. Google and Apple have gotten involved too, offering features to prevent unknown callers and to redirect spam calls. More features and tools are on the way, and the Traced Act hasn?t even been fully implemented across the board yet. In other words, there?s hope for the future, but it might take a while. First of all, let?s hit some of the basics that will help protect you, and hopefully slow down calls like these: Don?t answer calls from unknown or blocked numbers. If you don?t feed the trolls, they might go away. Keep your contacts updated. When someone changes their number, get in the habit of updating their contact. This way, you are less likely to need to pick up if you don?t recognize the number. These might not work for everybody?what if you use your cell phone to conduct business, and new prospects are calling you all the time? You should at least follow these tactics: Hang up immediately if you think the call is a robocall. The reason these calls keep happening is because they are successful to a certain degree. If we all strive to not get caught, there will be less incentive for robocalls to happen in the first place. Don?t respond, and definitely don?t answer any questions that could be answered with ?yes.? The caller might be recording you. They already know your phone number, and maybe more. If they can capture your voice, they could use it for nefarious purposes. Check with Your Carrier As mentioned, the four major carriers in the United States have free call blocking capabilities, as well as premium services. Frankly, we strongly feel that the consumer shouldn?t have to pay, and that it?s up to the carriers to solve this annoying problem, but a few dollars a month might be worth the peace of mind. Sprint – Sprint recently merged with T-Mobile, and because of this, Sprint?s Call Screener is free for Sprint customers. In time, Sprint customers will be able to use T-Mobile?s Scam Shield. It?s not often that huge mergers like this benefit the consumer, so if you are on either Sprint or T-Mobile, definitely check out some of the other perks you might have. Right now, however, Sprint offers Call Screener Pro for $3/month. It labels or blocks suspected spam calls, and lets you report spam calls to improve the system over time. We noticed Sprint?s page for their Call Screener app has moved since we last bookmarked it, so chances are you may need to search for it. T-Mobile – Mentioned above, T-Mobile?s offering is called Scam Shield. It?s free for all T-Mobile customers, and gives you full caller ID and can block some scams before your phone even rings, and it gives you a proxy number that you can use when you don?t want to share your private phone number. AT&T – AT&T offers their Call Protect app. There is a free version that will block known spam numbers, or […]

Solid Data Recovery Strategies Can Get You Through Tough Situations

Defining ?Disaster? The ?disaster? could be any type of event where your business loses data. It doesn?t have to be a total ruiner like a fire or flood. It can be something as benign as someone deleting a file or it could be something as serious as a full-network ransomware attack. There are many different scenarios where you can lose data and if your business isn?t ready for one, it will be the one that will cause major issues when it happens. Let?s go through some of the considerations you will have to make when strategizing your data recovery platform and how recovery impacts businesses. SMBs and Data Loss Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are the ones that are primarily hurt by data loss. Larger organizations usually have the capital to invest in a full-scale business continuity platform. If an SMB deals with data loss, it becomes extremely important that they can get that data back quickly and keep their business running effectively. 60 percent of SMBs that have a dramatic data loss incident shut their doors within six months, making it essential to have a strong strategy. Here are some tips to create yours: The 3-2-1 Rule The 3-2-1 rule is a policy that builds stable redundancy of a company?s data and computing assets. The organization effectively keeps three separate copies of data. Two of these copies are kept onsite with one copy stored offsite. We suggest using the cloud to store your offsite storage. Our backup and disaster recovery (BDR) service allows for companies like yours to follow the 3-2-1 rule and keep your data ready for recovery.  Rapid Recovery If you have a backup plan in place, but don?t have a strategy to recover it fast, it?s not doing your company any good. To maintain continuity, you will need your business? data. The BDR can help you manage your backup and recovery processes to ensure that you can get back up and running fast if you deal with some data loss.  Testing Backups The best way to ensure that your backups are working correctly is to consistently test them. No situation could be more frustrating than having a backup solution in place only to find out that it wasn?t working properly when you need it. Test your backups consistently.  Leave Recovery to the Experts With so much depending on your business? data, having a solid backup and recovery strategy in place is extremely important. For more information about our BDR service and how our professional technicians can help you come up with a plan to ensure your data is secure regardless of the situation, call us today at (603) 889-0800.