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Vulnerabilities Found Inside Azure-Linked Managed Database Service

The vulnerability is called Chaos DB and is capable of providing read and write access to just about every database on the service. No evidence indicates that the exploit was used by hackers or attackers, but it is still a major problem and one that you should be aware of. The vulnerability comes about as a result of how the database handles primary keys and how Microsoft deployed its default settings for one of their services. The service in question, Jupyter Notebook, is a feature found in Cosmos DB. Wiz found that this feature was enabled automatically for all instances of Cosmos DB in the month of February 2021, but this issue could go as far back as 2019 when Jupyter first became a feature. A misconfigured setting within Jupyter allows users to obtain the primary keys for other users of Cosmos DB. Since the primary keys give the holder the ability to read, write, and delete data on the database, it is a pretty serious issue. Primary keys are credentials that do not expire, so if malicious entities get ahold of them, the only solution is to rotate them so that they are no longer useful to whoever steals them. If this is not done, then anyone who has obtained the primary key can potentially gain escalated privileges. Wiz recommends that all users who have Jupyter enabled on their service rotate their keys, no matter how long or short they have used the service for. Microsoft has since disabled the vulnerability that allowed for Chaos DB, but the company doubled down on the fact that it cannot change the primary keys, instead urging customers to rotate them themselves. Microsoft has also issued a warning to affected customers, which amount to about one-third of the service?s user base, along with instructions on how to limit the risks associated with this vulnerability. Again, it is extraordinarily important that you prioritize security configurations for your business technology, as you could unknowingly be placing your business? data or privacy at risk. To remove the guesswork, get White Mountain IT Services on board to give you a hand. We can assist with any configurations your technology needs to remain secure. To learn more, reach out to us at (603) 889-0800.

Is Your Business Following These Essential Best Practices Right Now?

Emphasize Security Security obviously needs to be present on this list, as it seems that it?s been a long time since we?ve gone a week without news of yet another cyber incursion. Data is the modern-day salt, or oil? an immensely valuable resource that there is high demand for to sustain everyday life. The difference is that someone trying to steal your data or attack your operations doesn?t need to be present to do it. This makes it all the more important that your business has sufficient IT protections in place to keep threats out, with your entire team kept apprised of the importance of security diligence and how to report any issues they spot. As remote work proves to be a lasting innovation, these defenses and practices will only be more important to have at the ready. Adopt Cloud Options Speaking of remote work, it is just one way that utilizing cloud-based solutions can deliver considerable benefits to your business and its operations. From simplified access to data and the solutions used to process and utilize it, to the collaborative benefits that these cloud-based solutions offer, to the many advantages of having a copy of your data stored separately from your business? infrastructure in terms of your business continuity preparations, the cloud has a lot to offer the modern business. As a result, you can enjoy a wide variety of capabilities with little-to-no maintenance needs on your end, all for a budgetable fee. Automate What You Can Here?s the holy grail of productivity solutions: why spend time working on something when it can be done automatically, much quicker, and more accurately? Automation enables businesses to take many rote responsibilities off of their human resources and instead set their computing resources to complete them. While the term ?automation? has unfortunately been associated with ideas like downsizing and replacing workers with machines in the past, it is important to think about it in terms of what it is actually supposed to do: free up your employees to accomplish more worthwhile things, the menial jobs that once took up their time now seen to on their behalf. If you think about it, automation is really the antithesis of downsizing? you?re basically adding non-human resources to your workforce. Communicate Whenever you stream something over the Internet, you are using bandwidth, whether that ?something? is the latest original series from your favorite streaming service or placing a call over a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone. As you might imagine, the office will have a great number of Internet-based processes happening simultaneously at any given time, meaning that bandwidth will be a valuable resource. Unfortunately, it also means that the bandwidth-demanding communication apps that businesses favor today may be flaky without action from you. You?ll want to work with an IT provider (like us) to ensure that sufficient bandwidth is available for your collaborative efforts. Don?t Sacrifice Quality for Costs? Sake Finally, we come to the big sticking point for many businesses? making sure they are getting the most value for their investment into their technology. There?s no sugar-coating it: IT solutions can be expensive, particularly if new hardware is required or external resources need to be brought in to provide their particular expertise. Plus, it?s no secret that the ongoing hardware shortages throughout […]

It?s Essential to Have a Thorough Backup Plan

Let?s go over some of the basic questions that you should be able to answer about your data backup and disaster recovery system, as well as how you should be answering them with the appropriate solutions. Who Is Responsible for Taking Data Backups? With the traditional method of taking data backups, you might have someone whose duties include taking backups manually. This method has traditionally utilized tape backups that must be set and taken manually every night. You can see how this might become a problem in the future, as there is always the possibility that, with manual solutions, someone might forget to set the tape. This can easily be avoided through the use of a cloud backup system that automatically takes the backup and eliminates the possibility for user error. Where Are the Backups Stored? In the aforementioned backup system that utilizes tape, where exactly are those tape backups being stored? They are probably collecting dust in a part of your office that could be better utilized for other purposes. Plus, if your office is destroyed in the event of a disaster, you risk losing your backups in addition to your physical infrastructure. It?s better to store your backups in the cloud or an off-site data center where they will be safe from any events that would spell trouble for your company. What Hardware is Receiving the Backups? Once you have determined how and where the data backups are being stored, it?s time to consider what happens when it comes time to actually use them. Do you have hardware ready to go in the event that your business needs to deploy the backups in a moment?s notice? If not, we have news for you–chances are you will suffer from considerable downtime as you struggle to get operations back in order. You need to have some sort of hardware that can accept a cloud-deployed backup in at least some capacity to keep operations running on at least a minimal level. This is crucial to prevent downtime in as great a capacity as possible, as the real killer of businesses is the time spent not profiting or doing business. If your data backup and disaster recovery strategy leaves something to be desired, White Mountain IT Services can help you get it up to speed. Not only can we automate the entire process, but we can also equip your organization with the tools needed to ensure that a disaster does not completely break your business (or the bank). Furthermore, we will be there to support your organization every step of the way so you can come out of any disaster scenario swinging. To learn more, reach out to us at (603) 889-0800.

Tip of the Week: What?s the Point of CC and BCC in My Email?

Where Do CC and BCC Come From? CC and BCC are holdovers from the good old days of paper communication, where it was common practice to carbon copy a document by layering a carbon sheet between two pieces of paper. When a writing utensil applies pressure to the top sheet of paper, the carbon is applied to the second, making (for all intents and purposes) a perfect copy of the message. For the time, this method of duplication was efficient and effective, and can still be seen in certain contexts. In the context of an email, CC?modern shorthand for carbon copy?simply means that you are sending a copy of the message to another recipient, whereas BCC?or blind carbon copy?signifies that the copy is to be sent to a recipient without the other recipients seeing that the BCC?ed person was added as a contact. When Should You Use CC and BCC? In fairness, there doesn?t seem to be much difference between CCing someone and sending them a regular email? So why make such a big deal about using the CC field at all? In a word, manners. While there are few differences between the ?To? field and the ?CC? field, the intended use of each is the notable exception. ?To? is the field that you fill out to send an email to the main recipients. ?CC? is what you should use when the recipient isn?t directly involved with the conversation, but they should still be kept in the loop. Basically, you should use CC when you want someone to have a copy of an email to reference. BCC, on the other hand, offers its own utilities. When sending an email to a recipient in the BCC field, any of the other recipients will not see who the email was sent to. It is useful for your recipient?s privacy, as well as sending messages to a long list of recipients. Hopefully, this will help you use your email more effectively as a communication tool. White Mountain IT Services can help you with other variables in your IT to help use it all as effectively as possible. Give us a call at (603) 889-0800 to find out what we can do for you.

What a Recent Study Says About Knowledge Workers and the Remote Workplace

Defining Remote First Positions First, we should probably clear up what we mean by ?remote-first.? By this, we mean that remote-first companies make it a priority to hire remote workers for most, if not all of their open or available positions. As such, they have a limited in-house workforce, choosing the flexibility that remote work allows for rather than limiting operations to a centralized office location. Some companies that consider themselves remote-first include Intuit, Facebook, and Amazon. But how does this policy of remote-first employment translate to knowledge workers? Not in the way that you might expect. Defining Knowledge Workers Knowledge workers are those that provide value in the workplace through their knowledge, i.e. knowledge they have obtained or developed over time. Some examples of knowledge workers include programmers, pharmacists, lawyers, engineers, and scientists. In a sense, you can consider knowledge workers to be ?problem solving? workers. Why Does This Resistance Exist? As reported by TechRepublic, the resistance to remote-first work policies seems to be in areas that have traditionally not had strong policies surrounding remote work. This compounds in regions that have historically not had strong turnout for knowledge-based workers. These companies are stuck in a difficult position. They cannot find local talent, but they have also lagged behind in the shift to hybrid and remote work. Additionally, there appears to be a disconnect between offices that are trying to stick to the old way of doing things and their employees. Consider the past few years and the number of offices that were forced to transition to remote work due to circumstances surrounding the pandemic. Employees got a taste of what it felt like to work remotely, and they do not want to give it up. They are ready to embrace a more flexible way of doing things, but can workplaces keep up with this? While there might be some resistance to remote-first work for knowledge workers, we don?t think that your business should be one of them. Thanks to remote technology solutions that allow employees to work from anywhere with relative ease, you too can jump on the remote work bandwagon and reap the incredible benefits that come from employing remote workers? assuming that you have a solid strategy in place for adding them to your workforce. That?s where we come in. One of the key challenges facing companies employing remote workers is the technology involved in maintaining access to important resources and establishing communication between the office and the workforce. White Mountain IT Services can help your organization make this transition seamlessly. To learn more, reach out to us at (603) 889-0800.