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IT Procurement Has Hit a Snag Thanks to Supply Chain Issues

COVID-19 Supply Chains The COVID pandemic has impacted everyone, but it has also influenced businesses. Since it is a worldwide problem, the supply chain is naturally affected in a profound way. The computing chip industry, with a value of over $500 billion per year, has seen an increase in pricing as chip manufacturers have failed to keep up with demand. As a result of prices increasing and a slower manufacturing process, new technology is harder to obtain and often delayed when shipping. The irony of the situation is not lost on us, though; with COVID increasing the number of remote workers, PC sales jumped by around 11 percent, a number which flies in the face of the steadily decreasing sales previously seen. Remote workers need new PCs, smartphones, and Internet of Things devices to keep themselves connected to the workplace, all of which are impacted by the chip shortage. The Chip Shortage Explained Semiconductors are one of the most important components in computing, and the increase in demand for computer chips has created a major shortage in semiconductors. This has impacted global supply chains and, as a result, has created a considerable problem for those looking to purchase new computers, monitors, peripherals, or other computing platforms. This also means that we are experiencing longer waits for any new computing investments or procurements, and we acknowledge that this puts a strain on your company and our own. Hopefully, if the trends are to be believed, this slowing shouldn?t last too far into 2022. What You Can Do The first step toward doing anything about this issue is becoming aware of it. We recommend that any company hoping to refresh their computing infrastructure this year plan things out as far ahead as possible, taking all variables into account?including the current shortages. If you can plan purchases well in advance, you can ensure that your computing needs are addressed as quickly as possible with minimal acquisition challenges. These issues with the supply chain won?t persist forever, and eventually things will return to normal?whatever that looks like?so rest assured that your computing problems will eventually stabilize. However, in the meantime, know that our team of IT professionals is hard at work determining the best options for your computing acquisitions so that you can continue to push your business forward. If you have any concerns about potential delays or questions for us, we would be happy to answer them. To get in touch with us, call us at (603) 889-0800.

Managed Services ? The Ultimate SMB Budget Hack

Managed IT is Budget-Friendly It is often expensive to replace technology, especially when it is a complex component like a workstation or a server unit. These types of unexpected investments can break a budget if you?re not careful. Thankfully, managed IT gives your business an out by providing services based on a service level agreement. In other words, you get services rendered?technology maintenance included?in exchange for a smaller, more manageable monthly payment that doesn?t destroy your budget. Managed IT is Operations-Friendly One of the biggest benefits of managed IT is that it changes the way your organization approaches its technology operations. The traditional break-fix model of IT involves addressing technology issues when they have already impacted operations rather than preventing them in the first place, meaning that the issues wind up costing you money in the short and long term. On the other hand, managed IT allows you to proactively address small issues and keep them from becoming larger problems, meaning that your operations are not disrupted. This also allows your company to focus on what matters most: what you do for your clients. White Mountain IT Services can help your organization revamp its approach to technology and remove it as a significant stressor on your budget and everyday operations. To learn more about our managed IT services, reach out to us at (603) 889-0800.

Building a Secure Environment for Collaboration

What Changes When People Work Remotely? One big change your employees might not grasp is that working remotely effectively distributes your entire operational infrastructure across many different networks, most of which your organization has no control over. This means that employees have to do a lot of legwork to keep your business secure, too. When more devices are added to the network, more opportunities arise for hackers to make their way to your infrastructure. When onboarding new employees, be sure to include the expected protocols for working remotely. This includes who supplies the devices, where important data is hosted, how employees are accessing said data (including devices/networks), whether or not a VPN is involved, etc. All of it must be included, and if you don?t keep your employees apprised of the expectations?especially new ones?they will not comply. The Threat of Personal Devices Many employers might find themselves gawking at the concept of purchasing new endpoints for each remote employee. While one might argue that, from a security standpoint, it is an effective use of funds, it isn?t the most functional. Personal devices might save you money, but they are not going to be as secure, as you have no control over their operating systems, installed software, password practices, and so on. Data breaches happen even to secured systems, so imagine the pain of dodging these bullets with even more open vulnerabilities. To this end, be sure that all company-owned data is saved to company-controlled infrastructures, like an on-site server or cloud platform. If you can limit the amount of company data on employee devices, you can better secure it. Collaboration Challenges Employees now depend on collaboration apps to get projects done and to keep communication lines open, but these tools are not necessarily designed to prioritize security. One way you can ensure that security is not put at risk is by isolating conversations to specific users or groups. This will keep you from overexposing certain data to unsecured parties. This can happen fairly easily, especially for larger or medium-sized organizations. The need to train your employees cannot be overstated. You must invest resources into ensuring that your employees are receiving the training needed to prioritize security. While they don?t need to become security experts, even the basics can be enough to improve cybersecurity standards for your organization. Consider teaching them how to identify spam attacks, how to create complex passwords, etc. If you need some help with preparing your business for remote communications that prioritize security, White Mountain IT Services can help. To learn more, reach out to us at (603) 889-0800.

Artificial Intelligence Can Bring Healthcare Some Welcome Advances

AI Can Efficiently Analyze Vast Troves of Data Regardless of how often you go to the doctor, your medical history is more than likely a huge assortment of disparate data points that?while grossly impractical to go through manually?could likely provide some insights if analyzed and organized properly. AI is perfectly suited for just this kind of task, as it can find patterns that sheer numbers might have otherwise hidden in data. In theory, this kind of processing could ultimately lead to machine-based predictions that the human eye might have missed. Much like retail sites use your browsing and purchasing history to recommend products to you, AI might someday be able to predict a patient?s health trajectory and help rectify it preemptively. From how long a patient should stay in the hospital to customizing treatment plans for patients, AI could very well have a say in most medical decisions through its capability to organize data. AI Can Make New Medicines, Cheaper Medicines are not a cheap thing to make. The amount of research alone that needs to go into developing a safe and effective drug is staggering, simply because of all the variables involved. However, by using a similar technology that is found in self-driving cars, databases of molecular structures can be considered and tested through simulation. This form of AI can cut research times by months or even years, as we saw in 2015 when the ebola virus outbreak of the time was hastened by this kind of analysis and a treatment was developed much more rapidly as a result. Faster outcomes equal less time and money spent to come to the same conclusions. Likewise, AI can be used to study existing drugs and find new purposes for them in a way that a human being simply can?t do. By identifying new use cases for existing drugs, companies can save money and expand the options for healthcare providers. AI Can Make Healthcare More Secure Like we said, healthcare providers have to store a lot of data? most of it sensitive and/or personally identifiable in nature. Not only that, but there?s financial data involved, too. All of this data is also critical to effective patient care, which means that lives could potentially be dependent on the availability of this data. This all makes healthcare providers and others in the industry a tantalizing target for cybercrime. After all, they have plenty of motivation to comply with any demands. While human intervention may be enough to stop some threats, precedent has shown that the human element isn?t nearly effective enough to protect these systems unaided? particularly as threats are now also being powered by AI to be as effective as possible. In light of this, many are now turning to AI as a means of automating their protections against attacks?fighting fire with fire. With AI trained to detect potentially malicious activity, many threats can be nipped in the bud. AI Can (Potentially) Help Eliminate Bias Finally, we need to address the issue that bias creates in healthcare. Factors like race, gender, and ethnicity have been demonstrated to lead to flawed conclusions in healthcare as the bias of the researchers seeps into the research. While it is true that these biases can also be included in an AI program?s deliberations, careful consideration and remediation […]

Your Employee Data is Important to Protect Too

If you don?t have an answer ready, you need to fix that. Employee Privacy Isn?t Something to Take for Granted? ?and there?s legal precedent to prove it. In Pennsylvania, the state?s Supreme Court ruled as much in Dittman v. UPMC, a class-action suit that was filed after the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and UPMC McKeesport had data stolen after hackers accessed the medical center?s systems and stole a considerable chunk of data. This data involved personally identifiable information and financial details, and so the case was ruled in favor of the plaintiffs?the employees who had their data stolen. According to the employees? case, the hackers used the data to illegally file tax returns, costing the Internal Revenue Service a significant sum. As a result, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court established that ?an employer has a legal duty to exercise reasonable care to safeguard its employees’ sensitive personal information stored by the employer on an internet-accessible computer system.? On a national scale, employees also have their privacy protected by the tenets of the Privacy Act of 1974. Of course, we are not legal professionals, so none of this should be construed as legal advice. However, it is important to know that you are responsible for protecting the personal and private data that your employees have entrusted to you. So, how can you do that? Essential Steps to Protecting an Employee?s Privacy Fortunately, protecting an employee?s privacy is a task that can be accomplished (or at the very least, supported) with a few technologies and policies that we regularly endorse: Private Wi-Fi Connections If your business isn?t utilizing a secured, private Wi-Fi signal, you?re effectively inviting threats in. This kind of vulnerability could enable access to any device that connects to the wireless signal, potentially putting your data?including that which pertains to your employees?at risk. Securing your Wi-Fi signal and keeping it private helps to deter all kinds of threats to some degree. Internet Filtering While all of these safeguards ultimately help protect your business as well as its employees, this one, in particular, can help keep threats off your network by preventing your employees from visiting the sites that are likely to spread them. As an added bonus, you can filter out websites that would primarily be a waste of a team member?s time to visit. Virtual Private Network Use A VPN is a great way to keep a potential cybercriminal from accessing any data you?re sharing over the Internet by hiding it in a layer of encryption. However, it also helps to shield a remote employee?s identity and location, boosting their privacy as a result. Device Protections Many threats that could potentially steal an employee?s information can be prevented through some basic safeguards, like antivirus protection and spam blocking. Ensuring these defenses are installed, activated, and maintained on any device used for work should be a top priority. Access Controls Here?s the thing?the less able someone other than an employee with permissions is to access certain network resources, the less you have to worry that someone else can access data they shouldn?t. Two-factor/multi-factor authentication (2FA/MFA) is a good option to help do so. You Also Need to Respect an Employee?s Privacy, As Well Finally, it?s important that we touch on the fact that, despite the employer having the advantage insofar […]