Need A Simpler Way To Manage Data? Try A Cloud Server

That?s right–we?re talking about migrating your data to a cloud-based server infrastructure, one built specifically for your organization and hosted by a third party. By outsourcing the management of your server infrastructure to a managed service provider, you?ll be able to take advantage of the many benefits that they offer your organization.

Cloud Servers Eliminate Costs
Having physical servers in your office comes with various costs. These include operational expenses such as air conditioning and electricity, as server units consume significant amounts of energy and generate enough heat to warrant cooling systems. When you migrate to a cloud server, your data infrastructure is stored online in the cloud via a virtual server. This server is managed by the IT provider, eliminating any costs associated with upkeep on your business?s part.

Cloud Servers Promote Flexibility
Storing your data on cloud-based servers also allows for more flexibility within your organization. By storing data and applications in the cloud, you can then access all of it through any connected device that has been approved by IT. This makes it easier for your business to get work done, and also promotes the possibility of remote work for especially busy workers, like business owners or those who do a lot of traveling for conferences or meetings.

Cloud Servers Break Down Barriers
One of the biggest uses for virtual or cloud-based servers stems from one of the largest frustrations of using technology for business: legacy applications. As new technology is released, compatibility issues often arise between applications and operating systems. Your organization might rely on a legacy app that isn?t compatible with more recent server operating systems, forcing you to run multiple machines with various OSes installed. Partitioning with virtual servers means that you can consolidate your data and applications onto a single unit and emulate each OS for your various applications? needs. Not only can you cut down on costs associated with running multiple servers, but you?ll simplify your network in the process as well.

Does your business want to start leveraging cloud servers to its advantage? If so, reach out to White Mountain IT Services. Our professional technicians can assist your business with consultation, implementation, and migration. To get started, call us today at (603) 889-0800.

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