Microsoft is Retiring Windows 10 and You Need to Upgrade

Microsoft is Retiring Windows 10 and You Need to Upgrade

When Microsoft rolled out Windows 10, it was a big deal, especially since Windows 8.1 wasn’t exactly a fan favorite. Now, ten years later, Microsoft is officially pulling the plug on Windows 10 support as of October 14th. If you’re still running it, it’s time to start thinking about your next move.

Now, before you panic, Microsoft actually announced this back in 2021 and even released the last big update in October 2022. Unfortunately, many businesses haven’t made the switch yet. The main reason? Windows 11 has higher system requirements, and a lot of older PCs just don’t meet them. If that sounds like your setup, let’s talk about your options.

Option 1: Upgrade to Windows 11

The simplest solution is to move to Windows 11, but there’s a catch—your hardware needs to be up to snuff. Older motherboards and CPUs aren’t compatible with Windows 11, because the new OS requires a particular built-in feature that is designed to be more secure, so many Windows 10-era PCs won’t cut it. And running an unsupported OS? Bad idea. No updates, no security patches, and eventually, your software will stop working. In other words, your network will be about as secure as a screen door on a submarine.

If your current PCs can’t handle Windows 11, you’re better off investing in new ones. Upgrading outdated machines can cost more in the long run, and with hardware prices always creeping up, it’s smarter to start the transition now.

Need a quote? Reach out to White Mountain IT Services. We can help you get the best deal on new workstations.

Option 2: Pay for Extended Support

If you have a ton of computers to upgrade and need more time, Microsoft offers Extended Security Updates (ESU), but it’s not cheap. Here’s the deal:

  • It’s an annual subscription through the Microsoft Volume Licensing Program.
  • Year 1 costs $61 per device.
  • The price doubles each year (ouch).
  • You can only extend support for up to three years.

If you’re running Windows 10 on virtual machines in Windows 365 or Azure Virtual Desktop, you get ESU for free. But for most businesses, paying for extended support is just delaying the inevitable and spending a lot in the process. Might as well rip the Band-Aid off and upgrade now.

Not sure what your best move is? White Mountain IT Services can help. We work directly with vendors to get you the best price on new workstations and upgrades. Give us a call at (603) 889-0800 to start planning your transition today.

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