How did you know our IT guys name is Larry?

Please let Larry know that we weren’t talking about him, (or were we?).

All kidding aside, it really can be problematic to have a single internal, shared resource responsible for IT systems. A staff member that is not dedicated to IT, and does not have an IT background, usually doesn’t have the time, and almost never has the experience or resources, to do it well (no offense to Larry).

We routinely meet companies that have operated this way and tell us that it seemed to work well for them until it didn’t. And when it stops working well, it almost always ends badly.

The good news is that White Mountain can provide a much higher level of service, typically for less than the cost of a part-time employee.  Give us a call today to learn more about the White Mountain Advantage!

At White Mountain, we make changing IT vendors EASY!

Thanks for visiting, we look forward to hearing from you.

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