Deal with These Three Issues to Avoid Most Printer Problems

Deal with These Three Issues to Avoid Most Printer Problems

Printers… they’re the tech we love to hate, especially when they just don’t work right. You’d think a device with one main job could handle it! So, why do printers mess up so often? Here’s a look at the main reasons why printers fail. Usually, it’s because of one of these three things: software issues, problems with the paper and ink, or connection issues.

Software Issues

Printers aren’t just pieces of hardware—they actually need software, called drivers, to work properly with your computer. These drivers allow your printer to “talk” to your computer, helping it understand what you’re trying to print. But sometimes, these drivers become outdated or incompatible, especially when your computer updates its operating system. If you haven’t updated your printer’s drivers in a while, it might stop working right out of nowhere.

Paper and Ink Problems

This one might surprise you, but printer manufacturers make most of their money on ink refills, not just the printers themselves. Ink and paper are essential, but they can also cause problems. Using the wrong paper size or thickness, or even loading the paper slightly wrong, can jam things up. Rollers inside the printer can also get blocked or worn out, which can cause errors.

Connectivity Issues from Being Hidden Away

Printers can be noisy, so it’s tempting to stash them in a cabinet, under a desk, or somewhere out of the way. But doing this can actually mess with their wireless connection. If there are too many obstacles (like walls or furniture) around the printer, the Wi-Fi signal can weaken, interrupting printing. It’s better to keep your printer somewhere open, with a clear network connection.

Give Us a Call

Whether you’re having printer problems or any other tech issues, White Mountain IT Services is here to help. Call us at (603) 889-0800 for all of your technology support needs.

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