Can Your Business Benefit from Practical IoT?

Can Your Business Benefit from Practical IoT?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term you’ve probably heard by now but may not completely understand. That’s normal, as there are a lot of things that could be labeled under the IoT. This month, we thought we would go through some ways the average business can use the Internet of Things to its advantage.

The IoT is made up of Internet-connected devices that may or may not have practical applications for a small business, but are constantly sending and receiving information. This makes them useful in a lot of different ways. Let’s take a look at three:

Asset Tracking and Management

One of the most practical applications for IoT is in asset and product tracking. Controlling your supply chain is extremely important, especially today when products and components are coming in from all over the globe, and running out of a certain part or product could be an expensive proposition. IoT devices can track the location and condition of goods in transit, providing real-time data to optimize logistics. They can also monitor stock levels and automatically order based on demand and availability, removing human error from the procurement process. 

Managing Utilities and Internet Usage

Utility costs can vary significantly, but with the use of IoT technology, a business can actively manage lighting, heating, and cooling based on occupancy and usage patterns. This not only works to reduce energy and resource consumption but can also optimize energy use across multiple locations depending on those locations’ needs. What’s more, IoT sensors can streamline broadband usage to remove the threat of data bottlenecks. Ultimately, IoT can help you streamline many different elements of your business, not just your operations.

Safety and Security

IoT strategies can change the game for a lot of different elements, but nowhere can it be more helpful than in the safety and security of your business and its employees. IoT devices can actively monitor environmental conditions (e.g., air quality, temperature) and alert workers to potential hazards well before any harm could come to them. Additionally, smart cameras and sensors can provide thorough end-to-end security by detecting and responding to unauthorized access and other potential threats with notification to relevant parties in real time.

If you are looking to integrate “things” into your business to improve efficiency and cost control, call the IT experts at White Mountain IT Services at (603) 889-0800 today to get started. 

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